Actually what you’re saying makes a lot of sense. I would have no problem, say, duoing with my brother and filling out a five man roster with competent bots. It would be one more thing we could do together without the need for others.
I guess the way I initially approached it was that I didn’t feel I needed the help of AI while actively soloing. Letting me group up when otherwise I couldn’t cause my roster is light sounds like it could be doable though.
Wouldn’t it just be easier to make instances solo-able, rather than add NPCs?
Because MMOs have persistent constantly expanding worlds and storylines with active economies and trading. MMOs are not only about group content. Single player games are once and done, no persistent world with added content that you can continue playing the same characters for years.
I greatly enjoyed the Bodyguards we got in Warlords of Draenor. They were a great addition to the game and you could even call them up in dungeons if you were missing a player. Like missing a tank, np got my homie on standby.
Depending on where the next xpac goes… I think we are the “hero” “champion” whatever title they consider us, should be given some sort of permanent residence/base of operations where we can amass our own team.
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