and is this gonna mess with my twitch rewards?
Just each character that’s already come up. Disabling data sharing will prevent future characters from showing up though.
I will assume it disconnects you from your Twitch account so yes. That said you can disable data sharing, update your alts to remove them from your alt list, then reenable sharing and reconnect to Twitch after that. People will be able to connect alts again if they look them up but at least until then your main is mostly on their own.
cant decide between security and phat loot
Hilarious. Not a single alt of mine shows. Not even the ones I have listed openly on the forums as ones I’m open to trading.
I could def see how this could be used for stalking… But it also seems like it is lacking a lot of information as well.
I’m doubtful it will become a HUGE issue for EVERYONE, and if somehow it did update to have everyone’s info all the time, then I would think Blizzard would look into it, as that would mean they were using something of Blizzards to get the 100% info.