Your opinion on this PC? Price Vs. Build

Just browsing PC’s and sales going on right now, I don’t have time to build my own but was wondering what you all think of this particular one for the price.

Really think if youre going to spend 800$+ on a pc you should just build one yourself :confused:

Same goes for a vehicle, probably cheaper to build one myself. But I don’t have time. Sadly.

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SSD is kinda small.

eeeeeh this is a stretch of an analogy.

Over the next several months, OEMs especially on the lower end, will be trying hard to dump old inventory since new parts are being released. You’ll find yourself mostly stuck with old hardware at just okay prices, unless you shop really smart.

Despite the retail value on these parts being competitive with build your own, they lose a lot of value because the parts themselves aren’t valuable in terms of usage and you wouldn’t necessarily choose those parts in a build your own anyway.


I appreciate it, I’m really just trying to stay true to my post. As it sits, regardless of tomorrow, next week, next year release of new parts. Currently as that PC is advertised was the PC worth the price.

So far I’ve ascertained the SSD is kinda small. So I’ll look at bigger ones.

I’m just trying to be prepared, my PC is at very start of doing some funny things … nothing dramatic or screens of death. But I just want to be ready when/if it does. So since I haven’t purchased a PC in a few years (upgraded parts, yes) but totally new PC…just curious to see what I should be looking for really.

I don’t need something that’s going to launch me to the moon, but something that’ll last. I also don’t mind buying something and upgrading the parts.

I’ll break it down a bit -

Your proposed system $799:

10400f $175
Motherboard $75
RAM $25
GPU $175
SSD $25
HDD $45
PSU $50
Case $50
Mouse + KB $20
Windows 10 license (legal) $120

~$760. It’s not terrible. You’re paying $40 for assembly.

Some flaws:
Single Channel RAM is bad on Intel systems. You’ll want to get another 8GB stick which is around $25ish.

Storage - You’ll want to get a 1tb SSD, you can get a decent one for around $100.

To fix these flaws, that brings the price from $799 to $925ish.

This one is $950:

The SSD is twice as large, it has twice as much RAM (in dual channel), it has a GPU that is about 2x as fast, and the CPU is a bit faster. So no upgrades will be needed.

Pricing for this one DIY:

CPU $199
Motherboard $75
RAM $65
GPU $270
SSD $50
HDD $45
PSU $50
Case $50
Mouse + Keyboard $20
Windows License (Legal) $120

~$950 DIY price. This is better value as it’s 1-1.


Thanks, yeah the second PC at $950 was the other one I was looking at. Thanks again!

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Just be aware new stuff is in the pipe. This might make this a terrible deal in a month.

Also PSUs from these OEMs can be…eh. So consider saving up $80 or so to upgrade that at some point.

Yeah, I was just curious about right now. I don’t mind upgrading parts down the line. Thanks again

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If you can afford $100/mo I’d upgrade to an i7 16g, Nvidia’s 2070 & make sure the power supply is at least 700 gold. The ssd can be 1T with a 3. port too and get a monitor that has gsync at least.

I don’t know how much that would raise the price but that’ll last you a long time and allow you to play other games as well.

  • What Salranas said above is better, imo.

Its not a good value. The 10400 isn’t worth the sand its printed on in a world were the 3600 exists. It only has a 1650 in it. Only 8GB of RAM. A 240GB ssd.

It would be a hard pass from me. Going to recommend that you buy your own parts and build your own system. Doesn’t take more than a couple hours to put together your own system, and is far more rewarding. If you have time to be posting on the wow forums, you can find two hours to set aside for a fun easy project with long last results.

You could build a vastly superior Ryzen3600/RX580 based system for this amount, easy. The performance difference would be night and day.

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Not sure they’d let me set up shop and build at work, on a 10 minute break. I’ll try though!

Ah, sorry, didn’t realize you worked 23 hours and 50 minutes a day. My mistake.

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You’re forgiven, yeah after 17 hours straight on most days I try to fit sleep in! Sometimes. Doesn’t always work, might get that phone call that I’m needed. You never know! Hence the whole OP where I said “I don’t have time” :wink:

But really, I’ll try. 10 minutes a day should get me somewhere in the 2 month range, give or take. Then there’s the installing so factoring in another hour or two. I got this!

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Yikes, those are some crazy hours! Assuming you posted this right at the end of your last shift, three hours ago, that puts you at 20 hours for the day, and unless you’re sleeping between replies, that means you only have 4 hours before you have to go back in! I could never do that, no idea how you manage!

I’d strongly consider getting some sleep!

On a more personal level, I’d really recommend re-evaluating your work to life balance. There are enormous benefits to having a healthy balance between the two, and working so much that its functionally impossible to have a hobby, never mind even use a computer, is concerning :confused:

Whatever PC you end up buying, I hope you manage to find a few minutes a day to use it. Good luck out there.