Your Mage can do stuff! So, DO STUFF!

Mind control has some issues, mainly it breaks easily, has VERY limited range and requires you to channel it. And awards absolutely massive threat when it breaks. I generally only use it when I know its totally overpowered ( AKA shadowpriests in SL )

Honestly shielding a warrior is fine, especially on pulls where they are going to get blitzed to 50% in a second anyways. Looking at you shattered halls. Warriors act like my 2.5k shield is screwing them for rage when they are being hit for 4k in the first second of combat…1-800-come-on.

I realize this. I actually plan ahead. If a priest MCs a mob, I stick close to it and taunt is at the ready. I’ve played a priest and would ask the same of my tank given the opportunity.

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This always makes me sad when I see it. Also, druids sitting in frost nova for the full duration lol

because 80% of mages are foreign gold boosters who have 2 buttons on their action bars. :slight_smile:


frostbolt go brr

Considering that so many didn’t even level their characters, they paid gold to be afk while being dungeon boosted by a lvl 60, not surprising.

When spell steal came out, you bet I was tab targeting to see if there was a buff I could steal, and always trying to interrupt, esp to force a caster into tank melee range. Or “hmm would dampen or amplify magic be useful here?”

Today it’s just pew pew muh dps meters, don’t want to hurt my dps meter by using a gcd for an interrupt or decurse.

Me absolutely stewing because I’ve got the 2-minute damage received debuff in SH and I’m in bear form with 60 pooled rage and the mage won’t fricking decurse me. HEY BUDDY, NOTICE MY PORTRAIT IS PURPLE? KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS, PUSH THE LITTLE DECURSE BUTTON. IT DON’T WORK? WELL YOU KNOW YOU GOTTA TARGET ME FIRST…

Every class like this, a lot of people know their leet BIS list and their DPS ability rotation because wowhead told them so… know NOTHING about their utility spells.

And then the mage go brrr frost nova when a mob is loose and freeze all the mobs near the tank becase brrr frost nova arcane blast spam… dude I’m not leaving their melee range to pick up a lose mob, less the frozen mobs one shot the rogue or leather wearing fury warrior.

Lots of places snake trap is useful.
One of the snake poisons slows casting speed like the rogue poison (which they never use in dungeons, because muh dps)

and if I remember right, snakes used on last boss in arc will soak an MC. My hunter in vanilla tbc was SV so the snakes could immobilize mobs, not to mention double and triple freeze trapping CC that wouldn’t be resisted.

Start dropping snake traps where the tank will be tanking and see what uses the trap has.

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They are too busy with their felguard charge on your pull so that mob never gets into swipe range

haha, that reminds me, I was on my resto druid spamming normal SL for rep with an over geared prot warrior dual wielding. Mage constantly aoeing, had 1 hellfire lock and 1 seed lock. This was normal so not a lot of damage received, but at +1700 heal I was basically healing 4 tanks at once and drank maybe 1-2 times per run. We did this craziness for about 9k of LC rep thruout the night.

Hey Kuma, don’t forget prot pallies! esp when using avenger shield to los pull, and rogue stuns mob outside of consecrate range then said mob runs straight for the healer, who ofc isn’t off to the side with the tank but standing in the middle of the hallway so mob beelines straight for the healer and never touches consecrate…

“Well said.” Said the 12.8% crit prot warrior. Most of my rage is from being beat up. Not so much a problem in the couple of heroics I tried, almost infinite rage for keeping hs or cleave queued.

It me, but I normally recall him back and drag the mob back. I live to tab and seed though

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Something I learned recently while doing Heroic Mana-Tombs. The Nexus Terrors have a Death Coil the fire at random people which cannot be removed with Tremor Totem. Was trying to figure out how best to handle that. Just to experiment, I dropped a Grounding Totem on the pull. It absorbed the Death Coil every time!

I love experimenting with stuff like that. Made the run so much easier! Ground Totem also works on Mana Burn which can save you and your healers if Earth Shock is on cooldown.


It’s situational for sure. The silence on garrote is great for encouraging casters to close with the tank (or whoever else might have the most aggro).

“I want to play badly because I want to” is a pretty weak argument. It is telling that you never said “It’s not your place to tell other people how to play”. You very clearly identified yourself in that argument. Maybe you’re just bad at playing Devil’s Advocate, but all indications are that you actually are a bad group mate.

I stand by my previous assessment.

Well, the better hunters got together in the form of warcraft hunters union and we made an effort to help bad hunters be at least decent. It was also a huge information podcast on all things hunter, from changes, to theriocrafting, to limit testing Information.

I spent a lot of classic teaching bad hunters how to do basics like trap, multi trap, kite, aggro tag, exc.

Still find a few now and then in tbcc to teach but unfortunately some of them do refuse to learn.

I’m not much of a PvE guy, but here’s a stupid question. If no one asks me to trap I’m probably not going to do it. But is there some unspoken rule or raid symbol for trapping?

I’ve been guilty of the pet problem because the pets get feared off into packs. Any way to prevent that besides popping TBW, which might not be up?

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Generally speaking, if I know my tank is having trouble with holding threat on multiple targets, I’ll throw down an Earthbind Totem. Simply because if ranged DPS pull a mob, the mob will be slowed. I’d assume Hunters might want to do the same–throw down a Frost Trap, for instance.

Freezing Traps usually get marked. And make sure your Hunter knows the difference. Doesn’t happen often, but one time I told a Hunter to use a “Freezing” trap on a mob and he used a Frost Trap. He insisted he was using “Freezing” but when told him to link the ability he suddenly realized his mistake.

Snake Traps are useful for any situation where the boss or mobs will randomly target for specific spells. Harbinger Skyriss, for example. If you throw down a Snake Trap, he’ll actually target the snakes at random and Mind Flay. Shade of Aran works similarly.


Being talented into improved mend pet can help, if the pet gets feared mend pet ticks can cleanse it, but that’s also rng.

Healers can dispell most of those fears so it’s not 100% the hunters fault on pet fear pulling stuff, but still be mindful.

Also you can pull the pet back when you know the mob will fear soon. But it’s a dps loss, so the more you get used to it the better you are at timing when they will fear. It’s like the second boss in SL mind Control, I got used to timing when to remove my bow before the MC goes out to keep me from killing people… I still end up killing some people with melee attacks though at times lol.

You do realize about half of the mage population are indonesian gold farmers right? they dont care about anything other than blizzard.

I have actually had snakes get chained from the demon boss in Kara before, only had it happen once, but I drop snake trap a few seconds before the sacrifice just for that chance lol.

Also, sometimes frost trap is the right trap to use for CC if you are kiting the mobs with it. I have kited 3+ melee mobs through a double frost trap before to FD have them run back through both frost traps, then pull aggro on them again to put them through those 2 traps again, plus a 3rd frost trap, but this does require cowardination and pre-planning with the group. I was the only CC for a heroic shattered halls before. Had to get creative lol.

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Usually blue square. On a melee mob. Use distracting shot to build aggro and don’t FD since you are more aware of this mob than the healer. Retrap in case the other mobs aren’t dead yet.

Normal dungeon, frost can help slow things down a bit and keep runners from going out of range. Otherwise snake is pretty unobtrusive, unlike explosive which will get you aggro

Heroic, always offer it up. For non-LOS pull, put it 10 yards in front of where tank will be tanking. A few seconds before the pull so your cooldown is ready before 1st trap expires. Then drink. For LOS pulls, put them in front of the corner so it’s out of range of consecrate or similar AOE effects. Retrap.

When trapping a non-specific mob (who ever hits it first) then tank may just assign skull on the fly of whichever mobs didn’t get trapped that need to be prioritized.

Tanks, may rightfully assume you don’t know your class so don’t even bother setting a trap icon. Sometimes you have to read minds, like today I was healing on my resto druid with a feral tank, I kept his thorns up tho he has the same untalented spell but I know he’s not going to want to shift to NE form to recast thorns and lose the rage he had pooled. Also he was using regrowth on pulls when he had no rage, so I knew to not pre-hot him less my more powerful heals heal him rather than his heals heal him for his extra aggro. IF he’s at full HP when his regrowth ticks, it adds 0 threat for him.

/focus macro on current target will keep your trapped mob on screen along with its trap break timer.

How does this garbage get 8 hearts… this forum is cancer at this point.

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