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Will this tie in to the threat the Mawsworn from prepatch mentioned? That Death will come for Azeroth’s soul?

What of Allied Races? Will we see more?


Can we expect more in depth class/spec changes alongside the honor talent revamp?

Can we expect any essential honor talents to be baselined?

When will Void Elves have natural hair colors, several different Entropic Embrace skins and ear length options? Thanks!


Will Stygia continue to be the currency used for purchasing rewards in the Maw?


When will the issue with survival hunter be address , it sits currently as one of the least useful specs in the game, in both utility and damage, it even has less utility than its other 2 counter parts

Will the other mounts that we had to vote for: Ever come to fruition? As an achievement, or a store mount?
Because slime saber is love, slime saber is life.


While we’re in shadowlands will there be new updates on developments on Azeroth ?


Are we getting more customization like Troll Beards?

What about the missing heritage armors?

  1. Are you going to do something with survival hunter?
  2. Do you have some plans to improve pvp and the ilevel gap?

-Lorewise, our Archon is dead now?
-What happens when a soul of the shadowlands dies?
-Also, Jailer said ‘3 keys remaining’ so the Primus is alive I’m asuming


Can Kel’thuzad catch a break? Feels like whenever he is around now it’s just to be a raid boss.

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The traps in Artificer are also targets for Swipe, Thrash, etc.

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Will this patch contain any class tuning? Us Arcane Mages are suffering; I just want to be able to raid Mythic as my favorite spec. Arcane desperately needs tuning - better movement, more damage, or both. But it’s so far behind Fire - no other same-class specs are as far apart, and Frost has seen two separate buffs in tuning passes.

What value do you put on utility vs DPS/Tanking/healing? Example: what is an acceptable amount of DPS that a Rogue should do more than say a Death Knight or Monk? If there is no inherent different, why would anyone ever bring a Rogue, when a DK has grip, AMZ AMS, execute, burst DPS etc.

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with how big race to world first is getting, any intentions on making the sanctum of domination a global release for NA and EU regions?

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  1. Will there be any Legendary item level upgrades?

  2. Will we be able to wear an extra legendary item as we’ve did in Legion as the expansion continues?

  3. Voted mount. When can we expect the tree mount to be available in 9.1? Also, will the other voted mounts be purchasable via WoW Mount store in the future?

Thank you!

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Any hints at class changes? Notably, if Feral will perhaps be given some unique utility?

Stop allowing Party sync for BGs under cap. Means stop allowing 60s to queue in BGs under 60 in the 59 queue and 49 queue, as the stat squish for them doesn’t work all the covenant and soulbind abilities still work as well as their secondary stats apply. I am tried of getting stomped by them in what is supposed to be a fun alternative, unrated BG, 5 losses of 150 to 1500; it is not fun anymore. Make them use their own brackets or do world pvp with war mode as intended.

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You mentioned there would be new wings for Torghast, with new looks and feels. Will there be a wing inspired by Whimsyshire and Whimsydale from Diablo 3?

  1. date for 9.0.5 and 9.1
  2. legendaries, ilvl, 2equiped, crafting, new powers
  3. soulbinds and conduits, better sources, better leveling system, make them better
  4. swapping covenants without so much burden? better transition or better balance wich are you aiming for? big discrepancy in covenant population
  5. carry sellers/buyers!!! give them a channel in the lfr tool or wipe them out of existance?
  6. alternatives to make world experience better than current world quests
  7. the maw and torghast, why expand on a system/grind that everyone hates??