"Your Graphics Card Driver is out of date" when it isnt

Hey there,

I launched wow on my laptop this evening as I was away from my desktop, and I’m getting a notification about the driver being out of date.

the laptop has a GTX 765M GPU, and the driver is updated to the latest driver supporting the GPU, 425.31. further driver updates have come out since then, but this GPU does not support them.

Might want to disable the out of date messages for GPU’s which are up-to-date with the latest supported driver.

That driver version is from April 2019. I’d say that has something to do with it. The GTX765M is getting pretty old now, so the error has actually got a valid point. Nvidia has not release a newer driver due to the age of the card.

Yes, but the graphics card driver is not out of date for that card. for that card, the driver is up to date. this is the point im making.

I believe that the client only checks the date of the driver and not if it’s the last available driver. Unfortunately though, the GTX 765M is below the minimum system requirements for Shadowlands and as Cboss mentioned, Nvidia is no longer releasing updated drivers for that card. While the game may be able to run, you will likely start experiencing performance problems and other strange issues.

Perhaps not for that card, but out of date nonetheless.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Maega - game providing errors related to system