Your game, your way

It’s your game, play it your way, enjoy it your way, & customize things YOUR way… Unless you want to play a Warlock with an Observer for a pet instead of the basic Felhunter model.

I’ve seen a lot of comments on the upcoming decision to remove Glyph of Observer, but one thing that I haven’t seen anyone point out is the reason for this change.

  • Glyph of the Observer is being deprecated and will no longer be an available customization option for felhunters.
    • Developers’ note: With the arrival of the new warlock pet customization system coming in Fractures in Time, we will deprecate the Glyph of the Observer customization. Our reason for this is to ensure that each demon retains a similar silhouette across all available customizations, so that each demon and the functionality or power they provide to the warlock is easily understood by other players as well as the warlock.

Let me highlight the stated intent: “Our reason for this is to ensure that each demon retains a similar silhouette across all available customizations, so that each demon and the functionality or power they provide to the warlock is easily understood by other players as well as the warlock.”

So, this is a PvP oriented change then? I played hundreds of rated matches last season (up to 2400cr in solo shuffle & up to the 2700 - 2800mmr bracket), loads of unrated PvP, & I even did a lot of World PvP on top of it. I haven’t played nearly as much PvP yet this season, but I feel qualified to comment on this topic.

In all of that time spent playing PvP, not once have I seen a Warlock (outside of Demonology) playing with their pet out. When I say that, I mean playing either Aff or Destro without also playing Grimoire of Sacrifice.

All that time spent doing primarily PvP activities in-game & the only times I see Warlocks playing with a pet out (apart from Demonology) are either before they sacrifice them, or when they re-summon their pet mid-fight to get a second use of its special ability, then sacrifice the pet again immediately after.

Why are we removing the option for Warlocks to have an Observer?
Warlocks do not play with pets out in any meaningful PvP scenario, with the exception of Demonology locks, which only use their Felguard. Warlocks run Grimoire of Sacrifice (thus sac’ing their pet) as a baseline talent in PvP. Having an Observer model instead of a Felhunter model is entirely a non-issue.

Removing the Glyph of Observer only serves to strip more class identity from the game, to remove more player choice for Warlocks, & all to solve something that isn’t even an issue in the first place. If you want to tackle a real issue, then address the fact that Grimoire of Sacrifice is now, & for years has been, a baseline talent choice in PvP for Aff & Destro locks. Make it both preferable & viable for Destro & Aff locks to play with a pet out in PvP scenarios.

Even if there is really such an all-consuming concern about having an Observer model instead of a Felhunter model on Warlock pets in PvP, then why not just disable the glyph in all PvP scenarios?

Why default to stripping away a significant portion of Warlock’s class identity & removing more player choice from the game?

This is one of the stupidest design decisions that I have seen from Blizzard in recent memory & it is antithetical to the design philosophy Blizzard has adopted with Dragonflight. Evidently whoever made the decision to remove Glyph of Observer doesn’t actually PvP at any meaningful level because if they did, then they would see that Warlocks (apart from Demo with Felguard) don’t even use pets in PvP.

It is infuriating seeing development resources spent on something that isn’t even an issue at any level or in any content available in the game. Please do not remove Glyph of Observer. There is no reason for it. If you were really concerned about player confusion in PvP, then why let BM hunters use two pets with exactly the same model & name? Why let people on NA realms use pets with Chinese or Russian characters in their names?

Why is this one specific glyph such an issue that it just has to be removed because there is no conceivable alternative? There are countless other examples of confusing mechanics in-game which have existed for years… how in the hell is this one glyph (which was added nearly 7 years ago, but has been an option for in-game for far longer, dating back to the Grimoire of Supremacy days) the straw that broke the camels back?

For an expansion that has finally done a lot of things right & really made a positive change in the quality of the game itself, this is so extremely disappointing to see. Add more class identity, more player choice, & just let us play the game how we want. Disable the glyph in PvP scenarios or rated PvP, by all means, but stop adopting these scorched earth policies & entirely removing content like this from the game, especially when it involves class identity & player choice.

Sorry for the blocks of text, but the choice to remove Glyph of Observer is idiotic & a type of design decision that the dev team was supposed to be moving away from in Dragonflight. Stop creating problems for yourselves to solve. Glyph of Observer is a non-issue & has been a non-issue for nearly 7 years now. The glyph didn’t magically become a problem overnight & dev’s didn’t used to consider players to be so intellectually disabled as to render them unable to understand that a single pet may have multiple models (hunter pets being a prime example of this). Stop treating players like they are barely a step above being braindead. Thank you.


What an odd and poorly explained change.

Save the observer! Stop taking our pets away Blizzard!


The observer has actually been usable by warlocks for over 10 years. It will be 11 years in a month or two.

But yes, I agree. I’m very disappointed about this, especially with their reasoning, and even more so that they haven’t acknowledged our feedback.


Sees title






Sadly, I think they are about as braindead as they think we are. Or at the very least, their hands are tied by the folks above 'em that make the executive decisions.

I’ve heard the devs actually have a lot of cool ideas that have to be scrapped because it’s all about money, and it’s only getting worse.