Your game looks better in the daylight. Why do you force us to game at night?

The only way for a NA person to quest during the in-game daytime during the week is to game during work.

The world looks so much more vibrant and alive during the daytime.

Why do you force us to game at night? Even an 18-hour day would at least allow people gaming at normal times to see this beautiful world as it should be seen.

Ok thank you for your time.


I like night time actually


The night is fine but perpetual darkness in the game sucks.


I liked when night time looked like night time.

And we carried torches like the NPCs in Duskwood.


Honestly I should I have rolled a Night Elf Warrior because I actually prefer Nighttime to day. Moon is more gentle to look at then the Sun.


Umm okay, NA here, speak for yourself. I play in the day every day.

Do you work at night?

Wha? Put. The. Sauce Pot. Down.


Did the five sentences I wrote genuinely confuse you?

There is an in-game day and night based on the time of day IRL.

Stop lying, you undead beast. You’d burn in the sun. Or maybe you are cheating and got yourself a bottle of Coppertone!

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That’s not night. Inky black potion from DMF is night.

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Oh my, yes. My initial thought to this post was “there’s still night time?” I never look at the sky, and the darkness is barely noticeable.

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When you see the daytime the nighttime is bland and dark by comparison.

You work during the day because your job requires it…not Blizzard. Why are you blaming THEM for that?

Now if you were saying you don’t like the fact that the developers dim the in-game lighting during the evening hours of your server, why don’t you say that?

What are your work hours?

Night on Azeroth starts at 9pm server time.

That’s 10pm est right now.

It’s day time most of the time I’m playing.

Ps. The game looks just fine at night.

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Is this honestly how you chose to spend your time?

That was never a thing. That was an early alpha idea that never went anywhere.

It never made it to live.

Also, go buy an inky black potion. It’ll do that for you. Gives you a nice starry night sky too.

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I guess I’d just need to see a side by side to get a good comparison. I never noticed the time of day, as it is now. I’m also not looking, so keep that in mind.

I’m working and playing.


Heh. You really just asked me that.

“Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes.” -Buck Murdock, Airplane II: The Sequel