Then guess what, Pre v Pre won’t affect your honor gains and we can all play the game
Part of being good is being in a premade.
You’re the one not using your brain if you think queuing solo is a viable strategy for winning in a game where premade teams can be and often are matched against randomly formed teams.
I’d just join a premade that wouldn’t lose the 10v10 at mid. I’m not an entitled solo player noob who thinks I should be able to solo queue BGs to rank 14 or some nonsense.
The game isn’t broken just because an uncoordinated group of low ranked, undergeared noobs get smashed against a coordinated, geared group of dedicated PvPers.
We literally do know that
We had every ranker on our friends list, we knew exactly how much they were playing, they would stay up often 2 or 4 hours later and continue to queue but still end up with less honor than us because they lost too much against other premades
This is the silliest thing I’ve seen in this entire thread and there’s been a lot of silly.
Being able to play effectively as a team is a skill
Sounds pretty farfetched bud, furthermore extremely sweaty. I’m literally just after a pallet-able game to play.
I disagree, because premades and pugs aren’t joining the battleground under the same set of circumstances.
Pugging requires carrying the weight of other players on your team in order to achieve victory.
Premades are carried by players who are as skilled or more skilled than they are on every front.
A premade beating a pug proves nothing about player skill, because the circumstances of the match are unfair.
Wait, you think they are PVPing? lol. Maybe that’s where we are losing it here.
Most premades are HIGH RANKED, meaning they have gear, maybe skill, over the pug group.
Even pugs with several Warlords suggest to try to farm kills.
They don’t function like groups usually functions. They go BS first, wipe us, none of them die.
3 Pallies bubbles and stay alive long enough to heal through our damage. They move IMMEDIATELY to farm and if we got back there, not as a group mind you, because we aren’t on voice chat, they wipe us again.
Run up to the spawn point and we don’t rez.
Zero honor, zero kills.
None of that is a skill, its playing Madden as the AFC pro bowl team against the Dolphins every game like I said before.
And the other thing is that we somtimes have ZERO healers!!! Who’s fault is that? Who can GET GOOD at that point?
Give it up already.
It’s silly to point out the OBVIOUS difference between their 90% winning strategy and your 90% losing strategy?
If you’re not willing to play with a team in a team-based PvP game, then expect to lose again people who are.
Enjoy that 1/10 winrate, bud. Take some advice: get some friends. Play with them. The PUGs are just as demoralized as you are. Seeing 10 people from the same realm, even if they’re all terrible players, will usually intimidate the enemy team into not trying. For good measure, use a sapper in the first team fight. Then they’ll think you’re ultra sweaty and give up completely.
They are. Welcome to Classic. Don’t like it, don’t play.
Anyway, I’ve spent enough time responding to retail players.
People wonder how we got retail?
It’s because players like you valued reward over the game’s integrity.
Changes to premades affects your ability to attain rewards, and so you’re more than willing to sacrifice a higher universal standard of gameplay quality for the ability to continue pursuing them. Welcome to retail. Welcome to Heirlooms, welcome to a game with very little combat depth where most things are 1 hit kills.
Don’t play it then? You’re not forced to do bg’s.
None of that is skill? They are literally stomping you in a fight without losing any players, how is that NOT them out playing you?
Just because its a premade doesn’t mean they automatically will win
This is the main issue, people are too quick to give up
If a premade truly wipes you at blacksmithing without dying its either because they are a better team or your team just gave up
Pretty simple
Learn to read, dude.
I already wrote like 20 ms word pages about this. I’m not going to reinvent the wheel for you.
I have never fought another premade where we didnt cave or they didn’t cave. There is 0 reason to fight it out, that is slower then getting to your next PuG to stomp.
Sounds like a lot of hot air over there.
Learn to group up, dude
Learn to value the game’s integrity as a higher priority than your own personal prospects for reward.
Thats because a lot of premades are bad, which is why people should stop giving up the second they see they are matched up against a premade
The entire game revolves around team pvp
You refusing to make your own premade while petitioning for solo only queue is literally going against the competitive integrity of the game
Wow is an MMO.
What competitive integrity?
Yea, i thought that at the beginning to, COME ON GUYS, LETS JUST TRY, we have a chance.
Actually no, you really don’t.
When I zone into a bg im there with 9, 14 or 39 other people. I am on a team and by hitting queue I imply that Im willing to play as a member of that team.