Your First Find is broken

The quest is broken. I drop the totem, the puddles appear, and I can click on the totem, but the elemental does absolutely nothing, and no progress meter appears. I’ve tried it with my addons on and I’ve tried it with the addons turned off. I’ve abandoned and restarted the quest multiple times, and nothing changes.


Same for us…Tried in party, solo. Puddles appear but nothing works. Several people here trying to figure out what the heck we are supposed to do.


So…if you are by yourself…I got it to work finally. If ANYONE else starts the quest in the area, it bugs out.


Bugged for me as well. Solo, in a party, with addons on, with all addons disabled… according to wowhead there’s supposed to be some kind of progress bar on the Encounter Bar, but there’s nothing. I put the totem down, and nothing happens. I click it, it channels “Empower Elemental”, and then nothing happens.


Was able to finally complete when no one was around. super annoying and not fun. Be on the look out for a deadish time to push through.



I logged in this morning before work and am still banging my head against the wall trying to get this to work.

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if anyone else starts it while you are doing the quest, progress stops and nothing happens


Also having this issue. No quest progress, no progress bar, no reaction from the fire elemental. There are about a dozen people standing around on this island now and no one can get it to work. I think some people have given up and are just running around in the puddles, which is actually making it worse.


100% same. First try it worked but I had a IRL emergency before finishing the quest. By the time I got back my character was logged out. When I logged back in the quest no longer worked. I’ve abandoned and retaken it, I’ve left the area and came back, I’ve done everything I can and it just won’t work. Guess no Archives for me.

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Same thing happened here. Please fix this so I can bring myself to try this content.

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This worked for me.
Abandon quest and do not pick it back up until the area is deserted of other players.
Progress Bar showed up as soon as I accepted the quest.
…and they call Pally’s stoopid…sheesh

so frustrating, I have turned off all addons, standard blizz ui, turned on archeology bar as well (saw a video and it had an archelogy bar showing) - logged out, in, exited game, restarted. Exited and exited the launcher, flew out of the quest area and back in again, tried turning absolutely every option on in the blizzard edit window , nothing.

Not a very helpful flame at all.

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Imagine for a second, a quest in an MMO that doesn’t work because there are other players around. Seriously, come on now. This is BASIC stuff.

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ok I got it to work, after reading everything I could about this the only thing I hadn’t tried was the flagging warmode on. It worked. I think it worked because it meant I was doing it by myself. You need to make sure you have archelogy and encounter bars checked on in edit mode (archelogy was off for me).
Once you have those bars working and you are by yourself it will work, there is still a little figuring out to do once you have the bars working but you will soon ‘see’ what you need to do.
@blizzard, fix it. Also, your quest information is garbage, as is your communication about bugs, you shouldn’t have to look up 50 different threads and 3 videos to find out how to do a quest.

Edit: I suspect archelogy bar is off unless you have the archelogy profession?
Edit2: Beansprouts is right, the next quest I didn’t need to have the archelogy bar switched on, and all my add-ins were back on.

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What worked for me (and unsure if this was actually a thing) was leaving the area, came back after 15 mins and place was deserted, everyone that was trying gave up. Dropped the quest and when I picked it up again the bar showed up.

So being alone might have fixed it.

edit: I don’t have archeology but encounter bar was active on edit mode when I checked. I did not disable any addons.

Done that 5 times, and dropped and picked upt he quest over 20 times, the bar does not appear and the totem does nothing. You don’t have to “turn on” the encounter bar. The check mark is if you want to move it from its default location. If you uncheck that, it will remain in its default location.

The quest is just broken on most servers…maybe some shards are working and some aren’t, and that’s why sometimes leaving and coming back fixes it and sometimes it doesn’t.

EDIT: I stood around for nearly an hour, dropping and picking up the quest every few minutes. And it eventually randomly worked after almost 50 tries. I did not change any settings. It’s just randomly broken.

i identified the problem and reported in-game, the thing is the progress bar reset every time when another player talk with the npc so the only way to do the quest is doing queue

Got it to work by turning on war mode but I don’t think it was war mode that fixed it. I just think there was no one around in war mode.


Can we please fix this, what a frustrating experience !!!

Still bugged out