Your First Day Of Playing Wow

My first day playing retail servers was about 48 hours after launch spent troubleshooting.

It was a buggy, laggy mess. It was offline constantly. But it contained an untapped world of wonder.

They’ll never get that back. And no one else will ever come close.


My first few days of wow sucked honestly. My cousin got me started in vanilla and let me level to almost 20 on a different server before telling me I was on the wrong server and needed to reroll.

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Played with my childhood friend.
We picked undead because we thought they were the coolest.
Skipped all quests because we didn’t realize they gave interesting exp.
Got to around level 16 when we got told by his younger brother we needed to quest.

Truth be told, that was the most fun we both had although raiding together in wrath was pretty close.

I love exploring and not knowing what’s going on in games, that moment where you are a total noob is the most fun for me.


I logged in and made a Night Elf Warrior in Teldrassil in 2009 during Wrath and became super duper addicted to the game.

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It was back during BC, on summer break from college.

I had somehow gotten a hold of one of those free trials that Blizzard was shoving down everyone’s throats back then.

I chose to play a female Forsaken warlock. I ran around, smacking yellow mobs because I thought they would attack me first. I got wthrekt by a plague hound several times, because I kept smacking it with my staff when I was trying to make it to Brill.

I finally stopped dying enough to just run to Brill, scared that one of the damned plague hounds or skeletons or ghouls would come after me.

When I finally got to Brill, I saw a fiery horse with an undead warlock just sitting in town. IT WAS SO COOL!!! I HAD to have it. No if, ands or buts about it.

I went out the next day and bought the BC battle chest. My first ever real, retail toon was a belf warlock.


I remember the joy and sense of accomplishment I felt when I realized I could zoom out and make my character smaller.

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i had played a bit of wow on my mates accounts before so i kind of knew what to expect. its also why i made the toon a troll hunter, being i wanted to play something different

for the first day, i can remember small bits, like being at the troll starting island and getting my first pet. besides that its all a fog

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I watched my friend play a paladin and watched him wait around for a couple of hours (I was playing Zelda Twilight Princess and my friend was playing on his laptop) for a ZG group. It looked very interesting but not much going on.

I decided to get it and play so I made a human paladin…and hated it LOL. It was so slow and boring. I almost quit but decided to make a warlock and fell in love with the game. I rerolled horde when my alliance warlock was around 35ish and that undead warlock was my first capped character in wow.

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I arrived here straight from “Asheron’s Call” and a few things stood out for me. The action seemed to be like playing in a thick mass of honey or other substance that sloooooooowed me down so much it was wild. In AC my characters always had their run speed, jump and quickness boosted to high levels as soon as feasible. Some could run at the equivalent of several hundred MPH, and spring a hundred feet from a standstill.

The next culture shock was how small WoW really is. It used to take hours (8 or more) to run around the entire island, that’s if you survived the creatures up in the Direlands or the far north. I think I could get around any Island of Wow in an hour.

Last was the extreme dearth of loot found on mobs. That requires no explanation. A single Platinum Golem could have more loot than I’d find in a day or two of WoW. There were Kings version who had even more if you could kill them. The “Valley of Death” was a loot cornucopia if you could live through it. Hi level area though, not easy.

“All that lives now…only in my memory”.

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Like Tahiti, it was a magical place.


I was so excited to play that I created my account, chose the Uther server because he was a Paladin and I wanted to play a Paladin, and logged in. After about 10 minutes of playing, about the time I was killing Kobolds in the entry area mine, the game crashed for two hours. I played for about 30 more minutes and the game crashed again and did not come back up until the next day.


My first day in wow feels like a lifetime ago. Back in 2005 or maybe 2006. My friend referred me to the game, I think he gave me a trial version to level 20 to try it out. I started as a troll hunter, which is wild to me today cause I can’t stand male troll, and neither can they considering their hunched back. I came from Ragnarok Online which was a pretty directionless grind game, so the questing in wow was new to me and I didn’t really pay it much mind. I really just wandered around Durotar for hours just killing stuff. I remember vividly that I spent a lot of time killing harpies in that canyon area for some reason cause it just looked so cool in there. I remember getting a star ruby as a drop and kept it cause it was pretty and I had no idea what crafting was lol.

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I initially installed WoW mid October 2021, had it installed during the work week and loaded it up on the Sunday the 17th.

My friend Mel had been like ‘don’t worry I’ll teach you the ways why don’t we do it together’. I was her recruit a friend.

I remember really liking Exilies Reach and then felt a bit confused when I initially got sent to Boralus.

We liberated Tiragarde Sound, did a few dungeons and then was partway through Stormsong Valley when Mograine called me to save the Shadowlands.

I play a BM, Demon Hunter for SL. Swap to Bear S1 of DF, Hunter S2 of DF. Now loving dk \o\

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I was wandering around as a tauren hunter.

Still kind of a trip I remember that specific detail


I was a human warlock on an RP realm. The RP is what really drew me in considering I was lacking a decent social life something fierce. I even remember an old friend of mine helping me power level to 60 in Wintergrasp with the elites.


My very first character was an orc shaman. I got him to level 8 or so.

I changed to an orc Hunter I got to about 15.

Then finally I made an undead mage because I thought undead were so cool and I got him to 60.

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It was after midnight on the day after Christmas 2009. I had went into the game almost completely blind, so after deciding to play a blood elf because I (correctly) assumed it was what everyone else was playing, I picked a class at random and went with hunter. I was floored by how good Eversong looked, thought the idea of blood elves devolving into monsters due to magic addiction was pretty cool, got a feel for my class, and got a kick out of throwing Mohawk Grenades at everyone I met.


Loaded wow up on my windows XP, created a human looked up at the sky and couldn’t figure out how to look down for like 25 minutes. Died in the starting zone a billion times pulled too much - was a fun time.


Yeah… it was 20 years ago so I don’t remember much but this is what I do remember:

I had so much fun that the first day I logged into the WoW was the last day I logged into EverQuest. Not exaggerating.


I was murdered by murlocs, kobolds and bandits in Elwynn Forest.