Your first character

July 2007, 6 months in to BC, my wife and I had been playing City of Heroes for a couple of years and were getting a little burnt out on it. So we decided to try another game. We had heard a bit about WoW, so we decided to try it.

We purchased 2 copies, subscribed, installed… Decided to stick with a PvE server (for now) and for reasons I have forgotten, chose Baelgun. Watched the cinematic together. She thought the NElf Druid looked cool so went with that. I liked ranged DPS (Blasters in CoH) so went with Hunter, also a NElf, so we could play together. Leveled that character to mid 20’s before a long time friend of mine told me he played and invited us to roll on his server, Stonemaul (PvP).

He had a busy raiding schedule, so didn’t have a lot of time to show us around. So we joined another guild (his raiding guild pretty much ignored us and we didn’t feel all that welcome). Some members of that Alliance guild decided that we would all roll Horde on another server (this was back when you couldn’t have both factions on the same PvP server). Somehow Daggerspine (PvP) was chosen. When that guild pretty much decided to abandon that experiment in Horde, we found another guild on Daggerspine and played primarily Horde from then on.

I still have that first character, still sitting on Baelgun, I think he is about lvl 27 or so.

The first character from Stonemaul (another NElf Hunter) has since moved to Khaz Modan and reached 110 over Thanksgiving weekend.

On Daggerspine I created 3 characters the first weekend, Orc Hunter, Troll Priest and Troll Shaman (this one). About a week later we both purchased the BC expansion and I created a BElf Paladin. Those Characters are now 106, 90(?), whatever level this guy is today, and the Pally was my first 120. A month or two into MoP, I got tired of PvP servers and started moving Horde characters (8 characters over a couple of months) to Hyjal because a co-worker ran a guild there.

this was my first character. i started at release, however i have had 2 server transfers with this character, 3 name changes and a race change from undead to human.

started with the guild i ended EQ with, guild started raiding Molten Core, then guild drama happened, and the guild imploded, started a druid on another server with another EQ guild i was in, stayed with then from the release of BWL through Wrath, then quit the game, but during that time, changed this character over to join the guild and played as an alt off and on during that time.

will always have sentimental value to me, i still remember doing the Dreadsteed and Felsteed quests in vanilla and thought it was kind of neat that I could get free mounts just from quests… this was back when mounts were expensive at the time to get. I remember Hellfire would kill you if you used it long enough, i remember rain of fire … killing random raid members to summon a doomguard…

Used to play Star Wars Galaxies, but WoW was getting all the attention, so I decided to try it out in early 2005. I really wanted to play an elf mage, but that wasn’t an option at the time. Still wanted the mage part, and my husband (now ex) wanted to be a human paladin, so human mage it was.

This was back in 2009 so it’s highly unlikely, but no harm in looking :smiley:

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Always played a ranged bow and arrow class in D&D, and then any computer game that had them. Was really into the R.A. Salvatore Drizzt Do’Urden books when I decide to play WoW in 2005. This character just fit my preferred play style and what I was into at the time. The name came from my character I had been playing in Ultima Online at the time. This guy was really just a mishmash of ideas and likes, but he stuck, and 13 years later is still around.

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Started in 2006. I thought playing Undead might be really interesting. Turned out that Forsaken followed all the same rules as living races, including drowning and bleeding…

My first 2 characters WoW characters (2004) were Karix (NE hunter) and Kri (Gnome rogue). Kri was a “mini-me” of Karix. When I started WoW, I had played another MMO (DAOC) for 3 years. There my first 2 characters were Silveron (hunter, bow but no pet) and Silvermine (rogue), two Lurikeen brothers (that’s similar to a gnome).

Tchalla has been the name of my magic-user in every game, starting with D&D in 1976. Since the 1980s I’ve had a home PC, and me and my kids played many games, including the Ultima series.

My daughter still plays PC games, and met her husband in DAOC (similar to WoW).

I saw a roommate playing Classic one day and was intrigued but not enough to bite yet.

A few months later, I moved in with my girlfriend. Right at the beginning of BC, my girlfriend, who had never shown any interest in video games ever, started playing it.

It was too tempting so I picked it up. I saw the original cinematic of the night elf druid turning into a panther and thought, “That’s it, that’s what I want to play.”

I mained my Night Elf Druid almost exclusively through all of BC, and the first bit of Wrath before I even seriously thought of leveling an alt.

I still have the character, but rarely play it. I fell out of love for the druid class a long time ago, and haven’t been able to rekindle it. I’m kinda sad about that.

My first was a Human Pally back in 2006. When I first started the game, I totally didn’t get what it meant to be a tank in this game but because I was a pally, people constantly wanted me to do it–it was way before LFG, when people often spammed trade to LFG and the only people you could play with, were the people on your realm.

The embarrassing part of my story is that I tried to tank as a ret pally because I thought doing enough damage is how I hold aggro. I had no understanding of what threat was, let alone dmg mitigation. It was a real mess and even worse was if I got down so low, I’d bubble because I totally didn’t know what I was doing. Amazingly, nobody ever told me what I was doing wrong for the longest time–some got mad and refused to group with me, others tagged along because they didn’t have anything else to do and while it was always crazy, we always made it through the dungeon.

Then I rolled and mained a Draenei Holy Priest in BC and did extremely well as a healer, which allowed me to reach Black Temple and Sunwell content by the end of BC. Plus, I learned all the myriad of things that I was doing wrong as a tank by healing other tanks who did understand what they were doing.

I started as a trial character about halfway through MoP. My IRL person was trying out the game and decided to go with the newest race. She stopped leveling me once I got to 21 and didn’t even bother showing me around Azeroth until midway-through Legion!

Well I was a bit put out by that and I guess she didn’t care for my 'tude because she abandoned me again as you can see. Oh I see her coming so I better run off. Have fun everyone! Maybe I will see you next expansion! :panda_face:

First character was a Warrior with this name, I got him up to level 18 before I got so frustrated being destroyed by Defias Mages, level 15 mobs, with their long range Fireballs and no interrupt available. Back then Charge could only be used out of combat, so if they got aggro first I had to run up to them, by that time they already got one fireball off and took off 60% of my health I had little time to try and kill them before the second Fireball finishes me off. If there were two of them, it was certain death.

I deleted him, made a Paladin instead that did way better. Even without a closer, the healing spells made all the difference and Seal of the Crusader was an amazing powerhouse. Could even take on Elite mobs 1-2 levels above me with no problem.

This one is my first! Started in 2005. Wanted a Dwarf Hunter based on the cinematic. I started on the RP Server Scarlet Crusade and played there on and off until Burning Crusade. WoW was my “vacation” MMO when I needed a break from Star Wars Galaxies. Then I met some folks doing theater that also played and transferred to Turalyon to join their guild and been there ever since. Most of them do not play anymore but I keep on plugging along.

This is my first real character . (i played for 12ish weeks on a warrior in classic and 4 ish weeks in BC before quitting because the game was rubbish in both cases) .

Sul started life as a night elf but changed race before the start of MoP because of racials at the time. he will always be my main. Not because I have any attachment to him in any way because he is just a set a pixels. Even though by expansion ends I will have at least 12 Hunters at max level , I will always main Sul because I dont believe in account wide things - over 90% of my achievements in this game have been done on Sul so i will continue to main him

My very first character was made when the game was probably about 3 months old. She was troll. I honestly cannot even remember her name or class because I found the horde starting area for trolls so distasteful that it actually really turned me off WoW, and I only played her for a day or so, then deleted her.

My buddy kept bugging me to give the game another try, so I finally gave in and made a human warrior . The human, and Alliance side of the game appealed to me a whole lot more than the horde side, so I went Alliance and here I stay.

I don’t play that warrior anymore. She was born on a pvp server, and after a couple of years, the guild that I was running my mage in all transferred to the server we are currently on. Though I don’t play that old warrior, I haven’t been able to bring myself to delete her. So I look in on her once in awhile.

My first WoW character was a Human Warrior named Radimanthus. I didn’t really get the warrior play style back then, and got bored with the character at about thirty-ish level in the Wetlands. I parked him there, and …

This is my second WoW character, right here. Rolled Paladin, never looked back.

This was my first character. I started a few months after Vanilla was released. It was my first MMORPG and I didn’t have a clue, but I liked Tolkien and elves. Healing seemed like something fun to do so I rolled a priest.

I was so naive that I didn’t know what the ?? above a mobs head meant. I was running through Ferlas picking herbs and saw a Mob with ?? next to a herb. As I was running back to my body I figured out the ?? was not good :wink:

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My first toon was a human mage named Thunderknigh. I got him to level 60 by killing mobs only in vanilla. Honestly If you think about it questing was slower since if you had no idea were to go and there were no GPS like directions, it actually was smart. I stacked agility at one point since I thought I could spam frostbolt faster. Lol. Old Scarlet monastery was my favorite dungeon to date.

A long time ago in place far far away there was a game called Everquest. It was a beginning. In this mystical realm was a Druid name Lerik. He was very powerful and feared through out the land.

Lerik went into hybernation and awoke only recently (Feb will be a year) in this new land. However, to be truely powerful, he had to take the form of a bearpenguin. Lerik decided to be a mage.

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I was always a RTS player, huge into the Command and Conquer series back during the good ole Westwood days(Oh ranked on Red Alert 2, how I miss you). Got a job at Lowe’s and fairly quickly became good friends with the two specialists in Millworks(doors and windows) who were also gamers.

They played Guild War’s and managed to convince me to try it. Quickly fell in love with the game. Had all classes, did everything I could including a bit of PvP which actually was pretty fun. We would screw around doing farm runs or missions or whatever. Alliance Battles during the Factions expansion was some of the most fun I’ve ever had. Four man smite monk teams with Ray of Judgement was hilarious, and deadly.

Eventually they moved to WoW and convinced me to give it a try, BC had just came out. Being a noob and trying to tackle mobs I had no business trying got me into a lot of trouble. Initially I was on Doomhammer, made a Night Elf Druid(named Elysellia) who was gonna be my main but the eastern side of Ashenvale(with all the elite dragonkin and satyrs) proved too much. I didn’t like asking for help and was unaware of the boat to go to Wetlands(I think it was?) so I abandoned that character. Still have her, wearing her full set of Defias armor from Deadmines.

Aside from the druid on Doomhammer, I had also made a male Dwarf Warrior named Brossan and a female Human Mage named Kamarle, they never got past 15 though. Druid got to level 22. I can’t bring myself to deleting them.

Friends told me their mains were on Dalaran, so…

Next I made a Male Draenei Hunter named Kaletrix on Dalaran who ended up being my main all throughout the rest of BC, WotLK, and Cataclysm. My friends had quit during WotLK but some more friends from Lowe’s had told me they played but were Horde so I transferred my Hunter, Paladin, Shaman and Rogue to Deathwing to play with them. Kaletrix went from being a male Draenei to a female Blood Elf named Trixxia. The stay on Deathwing didn’t last long as my friends ended up deciding they didn’t want to raid, only to backtrack and start raiding hardcore with another guild. A few ingame friends from Dalaran had moved to Hyjal Horde so at the start of MoP I once again transferred,

My hunter isn’t my main anymore, guild needed tanks during SoO after a guild split due to drama so I swapped to my DK. Then this girl when Legion launched. Hunter is still my first love though, despite missing the old Survival immensely.

It’s been a journey, that’s for sure. lol

Edit: Sorry, didn’t notice I had rambled that much.

February 2005. My wife was battling cancer and was three plus years into her fight. The constant rounds of chemotherapy - only alleviated by the need for her to be off it in order to heal from surgery - left her weak and understandably demoralized and depressed. She literally did not have the strength to do much of anything except sit on the couch and be miserable.

So I went to Babbage’s (remember those?) to buy an MMO for us. We had done a lot of tabletop gaming, but no one wanted to play with us anymore because of how weird people get when you’re battling a serious illness. If nothing else, I thought it might give her people to talk with and things to do when I wasn’t home.

Anyway, got to Babbage’s and asked the clerk what’s the best, most popular MMO right now and could I get two copies. He takes Everquest 2 down off the shelf and begins to ring me up. We get to chatting and I tell him what I’m trying to do; he listens, nods, and says to me…this isn’t what you want. He puts the EQ2 boxes back on the shelf and takes down two WoW Vanilla boxes. THIS is the game you want, he said.

That started a long adventure for both of us. A nelf hunter (Rowan) and her meat shield, Alysandir. I lost her in 2008 and WoW has gone a long way to helping me retain what’s left of my sanity. I transferred her character to my account when the option became available, just to hold on to that part of her.

In short, I will say I find it very ironic, the sheer amount of complaining these “hardcore” players make about taking away everything casual, as if WoW was ever meant for the hardcore player. It lasted as long as it did precisely because it WASN’T a hardcore MMO. It was meant for moms & dads to play with their children; families to do stuff together; friends to play with their non-gamer friends; and for people like my Mrs. who just needed some escapism and distraction without having to put up with toxic elitism.

But that all seems to be going away now.