Your first anime

If you don’t count pokemon or the usual ones most kids saw my first actual anime I saw was inuyasha and yu yu hakasho. I used to ninja watch them when I could my parents didn’t let me stay up late.

Prior to this past week the only anime I’d ever seen was a couple episodes of the original run of Pokemon back in the 90’s.

Just recently I was told to watch Netflix’s “Castlevania” as inspiration after expressing interest in running the Curse of Strahd Dungeons & Dragons module and, although I’m only a couple episodes in at the moment, I have to say I’m really enjoying it so far.

I spent so long swearing up and down that I just didn’t like anime all the while with my brother and girlfriend telling me I just needed to find one that appealed to me and I thought they were insane. Now I’m eating my own words and actually pretty happy about it.

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I’ve always liked anime but didn’t fall in love with it until I discovered giant mech anime.

Surprised someone else remembers the very first cyborg superhero, known in the USA as Tobor (clever eh?) the 8th Man, or in Japan as 8 Man. Classic.

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Not sure. I dont watch it and the only one ive seen was I woke up during an episode of one with some chick on a scooter that had a crush on some kid. I think. It’s not really my speed.

Could be some other but if memory serves it was Shurato for me.

“Naumak Sanmandah Bodanan Abila Un Ken Sowaka”

Kakegurui. It was also my last.

First that that I remember: Sailor Moon.

Can’t have a blockbuster anime night without seeing this a couple times!

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In the west, we refer to any cartoon made in Japan as “anime”. In Japan, any cartoon is “anime” as “anime” simply means “animation”, though they might use qualifiers such as “western anime” when referring to things like King of the Hill or the Simpsons.

That I saw any of? Probably Ranma1/2 or Project A Ko.
But I was a little kid and didn’t watch more than an episode or 2.

That I watched the entirety of… uh, probably Yu Yu Hakasho or Rurouni Kenshin.

Battle of the planets

And then the first animes I heard of, Robotech and Voltron.

One Punch Man.

I lot more mentions of Robotech than I expected, I’m surprised.

And yes, it was Robotech, but it was a re-re-re-re-run during the 90s which I happened to catch on a public tv channel during the morning, and I was able to watch tv at that time even if I was 13 because I was to spend 6 months in bed with a broken femur after I got hit by a car… of course, got hooked instantly.

Then came Card Captor Sakura, Sailor Moon and the Dragonball movies… then Evangelion, and that’s how the floodgates officially opened.

My friend’s brother had a copy of Akira and he wouldn’t shut up about it, so we swiped it and watched in the middle of the night. It was pretty awesome, but we called it a China cartoon to irritate him.

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I was watching Robotech before I had ever heard the word anime. I’d get home from school and one of the local tv channels would show Battle of the Planets, Robotech, and Speed Racer everyday.

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Hell yeah!! I’ve re-watched this series twice so far. Legitimately one of the greatest martial arts anime series to have ever been released.

As for my first… Pokemon, then Dragonball shortly after.

Same here, I didn’t know what “anime” was until I hit the NGE point and after that, it was a crazy journey.

I still remember that one night a friend and me watched the entirerity of Serial Experiments Lain in a night/morning… don’t do that, really, just don’t.

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I’m not a fan of anime (at least I don’t see why they’re so adored compared to regular cartoons) but I’m basic so it was either ramna or dbz

I watched all of Evangelion in one sitting. My brain hurt after that twisty mess.

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