what is your current favorite wow machinima video atm? also link the video of it.
this youtuber makes other really good ones like a remake of the fall of arthas.
what is your current favorite wow machinima video atm? also link the video of it.
this youtuber makes other really good ones like a remake of the fall of arthas.
Mine was the old one with the blood elf rogue in t2 that sneaks into stormwind and fights stormwind guards to the dreamscape hide and seek song
I think i first saw it at the end of tbc
i love that one link the video if you remember it.
Literally my first thought coming into this thread.
Oops i got the song wrong but its this lol
you can copy the video over by linking via the share on youtube btw.
Nah one barely bad word in my perfect forum posting history made me lose tl3 permanently lol
TL3 rules are overly strict.
i think you will like nixxioms old machinima he has nobbel87 and others in his videos.
Love the old school stuff (Hard like heroic and such) but one of the oldest and still favs of mine is the on I keep forgetting the name of.
This one is a mood.
Yessss I came here to post this. So good, it gives me goosebumps even now. Imagine if playing WoW felt like watching this.
Yeah, the Art of War or Craft of War - forget the name as well, but with the 2 Rogues duelling it out in SW is a fav.