Your favorite Warcraft quotes from npc’s

Mine is from Harrison jones- is an archaeologist and explorer, much like his namesake. Initially a simple joke character, Jones has become a reoccurring character with added significance.

“ I’m like a bad penny. I always turn up.”

“Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and Glory.”

I really grew to like his dialogue when leveling up that profession.

The Guard’s

“Need Help?”

“For the Alliance”

just because it’s the only ones I can remember

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Mandokir - “Ding!”
Jin’do - “Hey! Grats mon!”

Sha of Anger - “You will not bury me again!”

Thorim the Drunk - “Wait–you…I remember you… In the mountains… But you… what is this? Where am–”


I hate Harrison Jones. Meme characters like him and Keeshan are fine as random vendor names but actually giving them questlines is completely immersion breaking. The fact that RamboReference then showed up and interacted with actual characters like Shandris in BfA is one of its biggest travesties.

To answer the actual OP question:

“Fools! Kill the one in the dress!”


“Me not that kind of orc”


Abby Lewis:

Our poor little village is dead.

All the people have gone stiff or fled.

There is no more noise…

…except me and my toys…

…just like all the dark birdies said!


But… Those aren’t his quotes. They’re just lifted from popular films.

Not sure what ‘added significance’ you are referring to. Its just harrison ford in WoW.

Tyrande! Where are you? I need you!


“Your Horde’ll be holdin’ their swollen arses after I’m done kicking 'em! Hah!”

"You face Jaraxxus, Eredar Lord of the Burning Legion!"


I still cant forget how silly the voice sound lol


“break yourselves upon my body!!”


“i am my scars”

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Some of my recent favorites belong to Bwonsamdi.
Pretty much any character of mine who dies, but especially my monk and my demon hunter.

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The Headless Horseman remains my all time favorite NPC

Shade of the Horseman yells: Prepare yourselves, the bells have tolled! Shelter your weak, your young and your old! Each of you shall pay the final sum. Cry for mercy, the reckoning has come!
Shade of the Horseman yells: The sky is dark. The fire burns. You strive in vain as Fate’s wheel turns.
Shade of the Horseman yells: The town still burns, a cleansing fire! Time is short, I’ll soon retire!
Shade of the Horseman yells: Fire consumes! You’ve tried and failed. Let there be no doubt, justice prevailed!
Shade of the Horseman yells: My flames have died, left not a spark. I shall send you myself, to the lifeless dark.
Shade of the Horseman yells: So eager you are, for my blood to spill. Yet to vanquish me, 'tis my head you must kill!

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“There is no good. No evil. No Light. There is only POWAH!” -Archbishop Benedictus


Killing a Forsaken NPC: “Oh no… Not… again

Morally I’m opposed to killing most Hordies, but if a random guy with a glowing exclamation point over his head tells me to, what choice do I have? That said, it makes me smile every time I hear it. Not fourth wall breaking or anything, it jes tickles my funnybone.


“Life is meaningless. It is only in death that we are truly tested.”

“Now I stand, the lion before the lambs, and they do not fear.”

“You are not prepared.”

And for comedy:

“Work is da poop. No more.”

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Also almost anything Nzoth, Azshara, or Lorethemar says. Those voice actors man…

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" Foolish mortals-(Usurper’s children!) nothing you have done- (Spawn of a lesser god!) I am TRYING to speak here. (Words, words, words. The Master wants murder.)"