Your Favorite Pants

My favorite pants are the Nightborne Pants.

I think they have a very interesting and unique cut at the top.

Here’s a comparison between Nightborne Pants and a regular pair of WoW pants.


My favorite pants are the pants you don’t wear.


If you keep going that deep you will end up in Australia lol

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the dwarf heritage pants, i like how it’s like this fur wrap thing, it’s pretty neat

Pants? What pants?


What pants? :wink:

Statement: my favorite pants would be a good pair of skimpy leather pants…IF THE GAME HAD ANY!!

Awful lot of pants topics today.

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I like my Duskhaven pantaloons!

The look of the Nightbourne pants makes me pant! :heart_eyes:

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Pants of the Naaru

i like em baggy… i like em big…


Mortis with no pants, makes me go crazy :drooling_face:

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not sure if I have favorite ones in wow, but I do have 5 sets exactlly the same in my bags.


The Sin’dorei pants are rather nice-looking, and the Throne of Thunder Mage pants.

Hm… I concur.

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The best pants are no pants and preferably when female humans aren’t wearing them.

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Thunderlord xmog from warlords, ceremonial something from somewhere I forget, something else I forget - there are 3-ish.

female blood elf are good too.

female draenei alright too but best up top.

Edit: The Ancient __ set + Engraved Gun on dark skin human female hunter with silver/gray hair was a pretty striking alt of mine. I don’t care much what the guys look like, but the legendary mail pants from legion were pretty sharp on guys or girls - the ones that regenn’d you constantly roots of shaladrassil I think.

My “death pants” are my favorite pants.

I mean, I can’t wear them yet, because with their rank 3/level 3 ability they also have 75 corruption and I am a bit behind on the cloak.

But when I can put them on without having to spend all my time keeping them from killing me, watch out folks! I’ll be unstoppable!

/moo :cow:


Statement: let me rephrase. Ones that dont make my female characters look like they dont groom themselves.