Your Favorite Mount

My favorite mount is the Black War Tiger. All my toons tide it, even my gnome.

Swift Zulian Tiger! :tiger2:

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Sprite Darter Hatchling :expressionless:

Ashes of Al’ar, one of the most unique mounts currently in Classic.

Ashes for sure


It’s overdue blizz!

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I’m at like 200+ ZG clears and still no tiger!
Been farming it weekly on cooldown since like mid Naxx (Wrath). Got Raptor during TOGC phase though.

I’d say my mount of choice is Kara mount, I got at 36 solo kills in Wrath. Never seen it drop during Tier 4 actually.

Highlord’s Charger, which means I’m SOL until Legion Classic. :rofl:

my engineering bike hands down

Onyxien the Onyx Netherdrake. Ever since I first started WoW and here in Classic too.

The Netherwing questline gives them meaning, wish more were like that.

Plus to this day they still look amazing.

Rivendare deathcharger
got it this week

the mount nobody can see

That is my favorite ground mount in game and I never got one originally (I tried and tried) got tons of the raptor drops but zero tiger drops originally. This round I just didn’t care enough to even be bothered even though it is still my favorite.

My favorite mount is the one that flies at 310%. Since it’s the only one I have, there is no contest. Blizzard should have made all flying mounts go 310 once you acquire one… so you can actually choose what you want to use, but they didn’t; meaning the day you get your 310 is the last day you’ll ever use anything else.

With ground mounts I actually get a choice. I like bone steeds, usually forsaken or ochre.

I’m talking about the 1 that I have. I don’t have 10. Any others do not count if I don’t have them and cannot acquire them.

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There’s like 10 mounts that fly at 310%, which one are you talking about?

ZG tiger prolly for era.

antoran gloomhound

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