Your Favorite In-Game Food

Mine is Pineapple Pizza and Tuskarr Jerky.




I always liked pumpkins. The thumbnail for it looks so nice and perfect.


Whatever stat food is optimal

I eat for protein not flavour

You are banned from Europe

This should be a crime.

Also does savory deviate delight count? I used to eat that a lot back in the day. Some other fun ones are blubbery muffin and forbidden flounder.


Soggy waffle cones

Do they have the spaghetti-o jello mold in game?


Is that rolled up bologna?

I think it’s hotdogs cut in half.

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Looks like vienna sausages. They come in a can.


That looks vile.

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I’d throw up if someone tried to feed me this lmao. It’s a no from me dawg

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I was going to say conjured mana buns but that Jello sure looks good.

Cherry Grog… only because I have made it IRL.

I have the cookbook. And it’s awesome.

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i love all the breakfast stuff.
boralus blood sausages(bfa), krispy bacon(legion), herb baked eggs(classic), some kind of bread(unknown) and I usually always carry around a stack of Majors Frothy Coffee :stuck_out_tongue:

I really wish they had hunger and thirst in this game to justify eating all of the awesome food thats in the game but honestly theres only like once or twice the past 6 months ive actually needed to use a food item on my character and it had to be whatever was best numbers from this current xpac.

i brough up the idea of hunger and thirst in another thread and most people think its just tedium or not worth the developers time because it dosent bring them revenue.
but i think it would add more “RP” to this “RPG”

I’d love to see some images of people who have cooked the food from the WoW cook book. I have it somewhere but it’s gotten lost :frowning:

Kaja Cola

It gives you ideas!


I named my cat after Kaja many years ago lol. I just happened to be looking at her and decided to name my cat that lol


I’m still eating through the mountain of fruitcake that I bought at Winter Veil … five years ago? Six? I’ve forgotten. I’ve still got about a hundred left, most of them in my warbank.