Your favorite heritage armor set?

I know there is still more to come but what is your favorite set so far?

Tauren’s set


Mine (HM Tauren)

Tauren a close second

Void Elf, minus the chestpiece because it wasn’t designed properly.

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the upcoming tauren set.

I don’t actually particularly like it, but I absolutely love the implications of the sets cloak.


I’d like to say blood elf, but it was very lazily done sadly.

Void elf would be my favourite so far, and tauren heritage coming up looks cool as well, both seem to have actual effort put into them unlike the belf set. I guess they used up all their effort making the specially fitted dwarf set to care about the belves lol.

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Gnome fo sho

Tauren and Mag’har.

I have 6 of the 8 available. Missing DID and Mag’har because I’m lazy. Out of those, I like the velf armor the most.

Edit: p.s. How many are you guys ready for? I’m ready for tauren, human, night elf, gnome, Draenei and orc.

Dwarf set. Those shoulders!


I’ve unlocked the blood elf and dwarf ones so far, working on Nightborne and Highmountain (but my wife has both of those, so I’ve seen them in-game). They’re all cool, but to me the best thus far is the blood elf armor. It’s perfectly suited to the race (minus some hairstyles clipping with the helm), and just rings so clearly of the iconic blood elf aesthetic that I literally rolled a brand-new mage to level in it.

The other ones are top-notch, I’m a huge fan of both Tauren sets especially. But when I think about quintessential Warcraft aesthetics, resplendent blood elf armor tops the list.

I saw the one for Gnomes, or it might have been a concept drawing but I am in love with it and hope it is the actual heritage set for Gnomes

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That is the actual heritage set for gnomes, Blizzard showed it.

It is my favorite too.


Just the Totem (Cape) makes it my favorite by far.



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Zandalari looks amazing


Zandalari and Tauren.


I got 7 out of 8.

Only missing HM Tauren. All of them are pretty good, bit the upcoming Tauren one really shows some passion I must say.

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I’m ready for Tuaren, Gnome, Goblin and Orc so far.

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Half of my characters are Night Elves, so… Night Elf!

Currently I have a Tauren Shaman at 110, but I’m leveling up a Tauren Warrior because I think the Heritage Armor would look better on a Warrior

(I really hope they add an option for the Totem to also be a weapon, and not just a cape.)

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