Your ED Highlights

Man i could hear MentalMice say that also… Wish I recorded all the dope things we did with The Syndicate.

Good times always!


I’ll never forget this…an hour long fight in arathi highlands between Defilers of Arathor, TMO and Knights of Arathor and co.

This was 8 years ago now, holy hell where has time gone. - Madalu


Casino night with Senneca and Ben.



The Corinthian*

also known as TC


Squeak Squeak!

RPing as the Rat Catcher was hilarious

Roasting Cheddarax on the forums (b/c we all know he never actually played the game lol)

The day Hooch brain get put back in orc body. Hooch hated being stinky elf and fact that Hooch talk like orc make people even more scared. That Hooch highlight. Hooch not have video of that though.

So heard Mental voice now. haha
He was the best and a quite colorful personality.
PS I thought you had videos???

Oh man, just WoD WPVP in the Arathi Highlands was always so much fun.

Looking back on to it, I loved the memories of the battles and miss that.

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Nah i didn’t record . The one that would record was Lexiah so she the one that has a bunch of vids.

Hope all is well with you.

Eating all the Vulpera in Orgrimmar…those were the days, now there are far too few.

The foxes all xferred to like Tich or something. They still get phased over from time to time, but yeh.

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Remember DJ Gravel who did the raps about Emerald Dream and Bandit Lounge? Even refered to HIRE BEATING GARBAGEMANX IN A DUEL?? Found his stuff was posted again recently.

I don’t have any screenshots or videos of my exploits on this server. I have lots of memories, though! These are not in any order, just writing as I remember.

To celebrate the end of Wrath, we did a server-wide pvp event. Even the pve guilds joined in. I remember standing next to a bunch of the top raiders outside of the gates of Org and just waiting for the Alliance to come.

We crashed the server multiple times that day with our shenanigans. :+1:

I remember somehow making it into Bandit Lounge and being scared the entire time. I think I gquit after a week lol

PvPing in random battlegrounds with Yam on my disc priest, Macadamia, and truly dominating every game we played.

Screwing around in arenas because I wanted a silly mace on my Paladin, Montaine, and eventually getting it. Timing out an arena game because the rogue I was with was fantastic but I was mediocre heals, the opposing rogue was mediocre but had an amazing paladin healer.

Bouncing around the new Darkmoon Fair with Pittles. Wish I’d never lost touch with that dude.

Intentionally messing about in lowbie questing areas to bait out the cap level mains so we could pvp up and down the map. Hours spent in bloody fun!

One time, there was a glitch on the armory that gave my goofy warlock, Toie, the Gladiator title and I laugh about it to this day. I’ve never ranked higher than like 1600 or something much less reached glad status lmao

My raiding guild back in Wrath. I will never be a raider ever again but I loved that guild so much.

There are lots of friends I’ve made along the way, some of whom I’m still friends with, many of whom I’ve lost touch with, but I’ll never forget any of the awesome people I’ve met on this server and the memories I have with them. I’m gonna be a little old lady in a nursing home bragging about my time on this broken server and getting blank stares and pats on the head for it. :joy:

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Enjoy my good ol’ days:

Getting full raids of people to jump off cliffs like lemmings under the false promise of free gold.

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Teleporting people into gas in destroyed undercity

Mine was recent like towards the end of BfA beginning of SL. I was messing around with a MW Monk character idea. I remember hitting Mort with a stun in the Trade District (because I could) and he was on me like a flash and 1-shotted me. It was over in the blink of an eye! I never laughed so hard during one of those WPvP events in my life! Definitely good times!