Your ED Highlights

The propaganda posters were made by Blizzard in the leadup to Warlords of Draenor’s launch. The Arathor folder is full of a bunch of screenshots that were used by me to write news articles for the guild; weekly recaps of RP sessions or what’s coming next. It was a good way to improve in my writing back then too.


spins fidget spinner at mach speeds


What legendary artistry did I just watch? Removes sunglasses.

Ah, I guess I missed when Blizz put those out then.

Great pics, lots of memories there. Miss seeing stuff like that more often.

that one time when mort went trans like mr garrison


In the next episode mort fakes mental illnesses for attention

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Dang wish I recorded when I was doing my chaos in wpvp… good pics and vids from
Everyone !


Wish I had some to contribute to the post!


Best guild! Sythegore Arm! We rocked! We got everyone a bear!


This is awesome!!!

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Those nukes were so much fun

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I was quite confused when I saw him in Zereth Mortis the other day. I thought for sure it was a mirage, or maybe I was drunk. Shamzakel doesn’t leave Stormwind/Stockades.

  • The death of Morttis
  • The great “Poggling” of Warsong Battalion
  • Nenthus, the ̶3̶x̶ ̶4̶x̶ ̶ 7x - EU Gladiator who drives a 2010 Ford Taurus
  • Hire beating Garbagemanx, multi-Gladiator Rogue, in a duel
  • Annoyed jumping on every forum thread with SS’s of killing blows
  • Zendarion the clown-man melting down on a daily basis
  • Bailamos being stream-sniped and camped off the server
  • EmeraldDrama threads were… interesting
  • All of the female-only belf guilds being run by dudes with voice-changers
  • Kitty drama
  • Finally getting Arena Master and helping like two-dozen people hit their first 2200 was easily the best part of the ED experience for me :slight_smile:

I like this, this is positive!


Some of my favorite moments was the WPVP in WOD. Even with the toy abuse for lag, some of the back and forth was so fun. Tactical nuke operations in stormshield were hilarious. Both sides were relentless. Late legion-early BFA was a great time as far as WPVP. That brought back that old feeling for a little bit.


Blackrock clan for all the serious rp we did there were so many light hearted moments.

On our gms birthday everyone mailed him like 300 fish but one at a time.

Doing pvp and laughing when a arms gnome beat me down in a bg, dude had like 15 killing blows and I had 13 deaths, guildies laughed hard.

One of our officers wanted to he a Peon and never advance IC, he was so happy shoveling worg poo.


Everyone wanted the city raid achievers, so we hit storm wind and got rekt.
I laughed it off and said let’s hit IF it’s so much easier. Just don’t touch the ground or steal Dwarven beer.
We’re half way to the council and someone finally realizes that CBH is stationed there, our gm groans and says hammers up our **** for everyone


In no particular order:

  • All of the rp-pvp in arathi highlands based guilds (keepers of stromgarde, kingdom of arathor, etc)

  • AEC crashing the server raiding orgrimmar

  • trolling w/ Nenthus in < Emerald Disease > in trade/forums/ED facebook groups (lol). Probs the most fun I had on ED tbh

  • Illskane’s crazy radio show + the competing one (HAX?) in MoP made fun drama. They were goofy af then & now but I was her chat mod for most of the shows (all maybe 9 of them). Despite being a near-universally reviled paranoid volatile server pariah, she was quite kind to me (except when she was all caps raging at me). I hope she’s doing well.

  • < Smooth Jazz Wine Tasting > on alliance in MoP raiding Thunder Bluff nightly w/ 10-15 friends, before dying to the WSB/D7 response

  • WSB. Obvs never knew 99% of members but several other officers were/became good friends. Loved the forum/trade propaganda trolling after winning unplayable laggy wpvp, forum weirdos took it so srsly- still funny. Also loved late night small scale wpvp (esp Timeless Isle/Spires of Arak)

  • Forum drama in general. Killed many hours in uni classes refreshing the ED forums and posting in those capped threads. Now I only check forums when I notice the ancient browser bookmark every few months, RIP these forums (and the other defunct non-official server forums)



Man wsb was something else, all the salt it was funny.

Speaking of wsb, when I was a noob I rolled alliance and jaelin (or however you spell it) made this real impressive ic speech about slaying them, then got rolled in noobshire.

I switched horde rolled an undead and joined shadows of lordaeron and meet some cool people that helped me learn to rp


I’m inactive, don’t play anymore but still drop in once in a while. I do miss people and playing. New World died fast. Maybe I’ll return for the new expansion, dunno? I had one more video of Mafek and I couldn’t find (Jungle Cleave) but I think he deleted it.

Some of my other toons, you may have known me by: End, Bloodryk, Converge, Rhetoric, Byz, Cuddlerot, Offend, Greysky

Before my videos, let me first start with the stuff that’s made me smile for years:

  • The hoof sniffer dude, can’t recall his name for the life of me. I swear to god though, HE REALLY did have a hoof feetish. We got into wild debates about this too, because of how we never saw him do anything and the random late-night hours he was on…
  • Mortiginis wriggles tongue
  • Random world pvp that existed for years and years on Emerald Dream…but died with this pvp enabling thing.
  • Just the people and friendships I made here. There are some good peeps here, or were. I know a lot of people left.
  • Guilds: Animosity, The Syndicate, Division VII

I didn’t start really getting into making pvp videos til BFA, sad face. Here’s a PVP video of Nazjatar, getting revenge on Gankers with my good friend Insane. :sunglasses:
BFA Ganker Revenge

Me and my good buddy Ohbie pvping amongst other things. :thinking: <3 No idea why this is showing as 45 mins. It’s only 17, apologies (chalking it up to newb uploading?)

One of my absolute favorite RBG moments was while in The Syndicate, Dancer & I got a grip knock on a very well-known DK streamer by the name of Flarkness, where he was actively streaming and had somewhere near 100 or so people watching it happen. The knock. :sunglasses:

Raiding The Syndicate last breathe raiding moment during Legion where we bareeeely made it.

Remember MENTALMALICE? Mahhhh bleep I can still hear him saying it and shake my head and smile.

While in D7 - Stomping Lionguard in RBG’s on Stream.

Last but definitely not least with my ANIME CITY (Animosity) friends Shadowlands expansion. Killing Lady Inerva Darkvein with our TANKS TRINKET as he dies and it explodes. 100% - 5:30 min mark on the video (to skip).

I probably have hundreds of videos on my computer…but dang…


[Good Times | Fun Before The End] (video)

The anime intro 10/10 and the ending picture was one of the greatest things I have seen in a while. The ending was raw gold, bravo!

Nice to see you video captured some good memories. Hope to see Crimson Dawn in wotlkc.