Your Dream Expansion

What would your dream expansion be?

What elements from previous expansions could be brought back and combined to make your dream expansion?

For example, my dream expansion would be:

  • MoP class design and gameplay (no borrowed power systems)

  • Development time spent on new dungeons/raids/arenas/BGs (not spent on things we don’t need like additional systems)

  • When not working on new content, development time is spent on fixing classes/specs that aren’t competitive (buff instead of nerf)

  • No re-inventing the game in a vain attempt to make the game different for no reason (if it ain’t broke don’t fix it)

  • New content is actually fun instead of annoying for the sake of being annoying and trying to pass it off as “challenging”


Easy, Wrath of the Lich King classic.


I would bring back Legion’s class fantasy.


A dating simulator where I have a variety of night elves, blood elves, void elves, and nightborne to select from.

No gnomes, Wild.


systems that make sense and not time-gated


Mop mop mop

All of mop


Expansion that adds more class/race combinations.

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Good story, good content, flying off the bat. Changes that are not anti-QOL and working on classes that need buffs instead of focusing on nerfs.

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New wow expansion



No new abilities, No new systems, no addons to your specialization, no leveling required, the game now ends at level 60.

All game becomes level 60, all raids, all dungeons, all zones, all gear, all legendaries, all set armor, everything is now usable.

You want corruption and covenant with a mix of wrath set piece? Go ahead.

You wanna be decked out in legendaries? Go ahead.

You want to craft all your armor? Go ahead.

As long as you do the appropriate content for it.


Dragon Isles would be pretty sweet.

Honestly, the game is fine gameplay-wise. I just want them to ditch this space war nonsense and get back to the basics. Ogres, Dragons, overzealous Crusaders, Dreadlord infiltrators, all that good stuff.

Like, honestly, I’d actually be pretty cool with a Covenant-like system in Dragon Isles. Choose to side with Bronze, Black, Red, Green, or Blue flights and reap some benefits and get unique follower and story. That’d be pretty sweet to me.


So like a dragon-themed SL?

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I’d like to focus on the stories of the races. The different race factions have their own stories and struggles as a part of the greater whole. The Exodar, the Tushui, Ironforge, etc. Race-based transmogs galore for more character customization. Glyphs to give the classes race-based flare. And, of course, player housing (I’d love it, especially in light of all of the previous stuff).

Some want more MMO. I want more RPG.


More or less. There are some changes that would make sense.

For instance, one continent instead of each zone being its own island in the void. And while I don’t really like flying personally, a dragon expansion without flying seems wrong, so a bigger, more massive land-mass designed around flying makes a lot of sense - no pathfinder.

A bigger story-focus in the “10.0 patch island”. The Maw was very barebones in terms of story let’s be real here. Pales in comparison to Suramar.

If we’re dreaming, I’d love to see Blizzard get really bold and launch an expansion with a mega-dungeon. The Mythic only Suramar dungeons were a step in this direction but instead of two different Mythic-only dungeons, a launch mega-dungeon would be sweet.

I could go on, but yeah, I don’t really have a problem with looking at something like Shadowlands as a foundation. It has a borrowed power system that spices things up, but no infinite AP grind. Targetable legendaries. Relatively alt-friendly in the grand scheme of things. Etc. etc.


Legion 2.0


Dragon Isles & back to the World. Focus on rebuilding after literal decades of non-stop war. Smaller conflicts and more political plotlines.

Updated all Azeroth zones. Don’t even need new quests or anything, some can just be peacefully existing, and you can Zidormi your way back if you want to quest. Just update the timeline so everything isn’t stuck mid-Cataclysm.

Playable dragons. Full race/class locked combo.

Explore the full Nerubian Empire. Possibly playable Nerubians.

Faction barriers dissolved. Races and kingdoms can interact with each other in conflict or not without being tied down by Team Red or Team Blue. Players can play and trade and guild with whoever they want.

Player housing. Fully customizable and completely divorced from player power.


One where flying is a feature and not a convience. Where we NEED it to access later parts of it.

Also, I’m on board with the player housing too lol


My dream expansion was MoP but as for going forward:
No more borrowed power systems.
No punishing newly invented content like the Maw and Torghast (no disrespect meant to those who enjoy those)
An expansion that is back on Azeroth without all this fantastical stuff. Back to the horde vs alliance stuff plz.
Flying everywhere with no unlocks required!! ( I can dream)
No linear or forced content, rich in quests and hubs and open world exploration
A crafting system that is over hauled and is worthwhile

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just repeat the same level of content and same systems/progression/gearing/flying as MoP but with a new story and equally sized new areas built for flying

just make an xpac that isn’t literally antagonistic to the players

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  • Story as good as wrath
  • All the raids being on par with Ulduar, ICC in terms of quality
  • Something akin to the legion artifact weapons and class order halls
  • Lot of the cool lore/story telling type stuff that was Present in MoP
  • Flying at level cap
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It isn’t as if Blizzard doesn’t try to make every raid awesome.

Well, that’s a lie, they’ve released “hold-over” raids before. But main raids are intended to be good.