<Your Darnassus On Fire> New guild looking for fun players

Hey everyone, I’ve just created a new guild on Blackhand/Galokrond (Horde side) with the specific purpose of finding a home for the people that just want to enjoy the game with new friends but without the pressure in bigger guilds. Any age, any play style, any body with a good attitude.

Tired of seeing everyone in guild chat complaining every Tuesday because “blizz hates them” and they didn’t get the ONE piece of gear that they need upgraded from their chest?

Tired of feeling left out of the “inner circle” of established guilds?

Come join “Your Darnassus On Fire” and relax with new friends and play the game the way you want to play. This is a brand new guild so there are only a couple members right now, but each person that joins helps it grow and adds to the fun!

If you aren’t interested, please don’t troll, if you are interested leave a post here with your toon name and server or add Blindsight-Blackhand to your friend list and send me a whisper or ingame mail. I’m on daily but I bounce around a lot on several alts but I will do my best to get back to anyone that’s interested as soon as I can. Thanks for your time, hope you join me!

(also, I have an alliance guild made on the same servers called “My Darnassus On Fire” that I plan to convert from a bank guild to a regular guild if anyone is interested. :slight_smile: