Your Character's Lineage

I’d answer but this thread’s been inactive for nearly a year,wish people would pay attention to the last post date and know that necroing old threads is kind of a forum snafu…

That with a few other things. She also uses to be overweight if during the Cataclysm, just under 200 lbs at 5’6. The hip injury during the Pandaria Expedition and the following Physical therapy.

Benedikt’s father was a servant to the local royalty and his mother was an alchemist who ran a small but mildly successful shop out of their home in Strahnbad, Alterac.

When things went belly up when it was revealed the Perenoldes aided the Horde, Benedikt was able to help his folks relocate to Stratholme where he was training as a Cleric in the Cathedeal of Light. They eventually found a home in the city where his mother continued her trade and his father landed a job managing financial books for the Agamands farming company.

They made a tidy profit and were considering retiring to Southshore when the plague hit. Unfortunately their fates were the same as most others stuck in Strathholme during the Purge.


I really shouldn’t encourage you. But Perfectia has an booty to make Sir Mixalot proud.


Stormhoof was born and raised at the western edge of Mulgore, possibly eastern Desolace between counterattacks. The eldest of two siblings, he and his brother sparred often in their youth. Storm was bigger, but his sibling more cunning, so their contests ended in peculiar draws that made one smarter and the other stronger. His father was an acclaimed engineer and his mother an admired artisan in the village where they lived. His village and family are gone now and not spoken of by the Elders of Thunder Bluff.

But the spirits know the young tauren who perished in his confrontation with the village’s leaders. The leaders had begun doing unholy things to draw the life from others and add to their own power. The land began to whither, then it was unborn tauren who perished, then the old tauren. A vision came to the young tauren that the leaders were indeed the source of the unnatural patterns. But the leaders were the most cunning, silver-tongued, and revered tauren of those lands and the young tauren’s warnings fell on deaf ears. He had already set foot on the path of the Shaman, but his skill and experience were nothing compared to the village elders’. The spirits know he confronted them anyway, because it was the right thing to do.

In terms of power, it was akin to witnessing a holy moth charge into an unholy flame. Naturally, the young tauren was the one to perish.

But the light and life are never truly lost. The young tauren was with the spirits. And the spirits were looking down on the unholy flame. No one else challenged the unholy flame, so the spirits unfurled themselves…

In terms of power, it was akin to witnessing a candle try to defy a storm. Naturally, the unholy flame was the one to be extinguished.

The village was scoured from the land. Only the spirits know the fate of the unholy village elders. Perhaps bound to the warlocks of other races, perhaps trapped in some other place. The good tauren of the village are with the spirits, cured of their ignorance. Only the spirits know the price of restoring one as they were outside a complete rebirth, but they gladly paid the price for this young tauren.

Stormhoof was returned to the Land as he had been when he perished. A humble new place with other young tauren of meager power - Camp Narache. He studied and helped there until elders sent him out, and continues to study and help until local elders of other places send him out. Everyone sensing he’s meant to help with problems bigger than theirs.

Stormhoof has no aspirations for leadership or wealth, only a simple desire to break what is wrong and mend what is right. He travels in relative obscurity through the land, helping whoever needs help. Nobody sees him coming or knows where he is going, but a growing number remember his passing through. And though he seems alone, the spirits know he is never alone. He is but one of their number in the force of blood and thunder protecting the land.

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I, am Lord Enathalas III of House Astrien,

And I, am the Grandson of Lord Enathalas I of House Astrien, who earned his Title during the Troll Wars, for “Exceptional Magical service to Quel’Thalas”.

(Cough) Incinerated a Troll army while they slept (Cough)

And I, am the son of Lord Enathalas II of House Astrien, who earned the family fortune through “Clever Trade with the Human Kingdoms”

(Cough) Magically altered the Contracts (Cough)

Goodness me, there must be a breeze in here, I say…

And I, am Lord Enathalas III of House Astrien…
That is, of course, if the House Astrien was not currently a pile of rubble along the Dead Scar in Silvermoon.

I - out of sheer desperation I assure you - have had no choice but to disgrace myself and become an…(Nearly Throws up) ‘Adventurer’.

This lowly profession for commoners - That is of course, unfit for a noble such as myself - that requires one to slaughter helpless animals and bring their dripping innards to people of questionable motivation for a - laughable - amount of coin, is my new…job.

And of course…to travel from town to town like some helpless vagrant looking for work…is…is…so beneath me.

Where are the poor people when you need to tax them? Really, how inconsiderate they were to die so easily at the hands of the Scourge!
Now I have to do all of this work myself!

(Enathalas composes himself)

Though this is a challenging time, I assure you, I shall rebuild the House Astrien to its former glory, I shall again be attended to by a legion of servants, I shall dine to the finest feasts, and I shall be serenaded by the company of maidens who shall all ‘eagerly’ assist me in my bathing.

-Lord Enathalas III of House Astrien

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Born on alternate Draenor, two years after the events of Hellfire Citadel, to two unnamed parents.

His father, a Blademaster of the Burning Blade clan that had participated in the siege on Highmaul, learned basic principles on the workings of the Ogre Breakers. While not becoming immune, he learned ways to ignore effects and pains of magic, and passed these and training on how to fight to his son Lyoog.

His mother, was a shaman from the Blackrock clan, taught him to respect nature and the spirits and how to combine it all with alchemy.

He grew up hearing the stories of how the Horde and the Alliance had defeated the Burning Legion in their he could get his chance to prove himself in battle.

Then began the raids from the lightbound led me Yrel which caused the deaths of both parents, Lyoog would never forgive the Draenei again.

Eventually two members of the Horde somehow made their way back to Draenor asking the Mag’har for help fighting the Alliance. Knowing the Draenei were members, Lyoog was more then ready to join the Horde and fight against the Alliance.

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The only character I have put this idea into is my shaman she was a pandaren orphan of a pair of traveling soothsayers/merchants killed by alliance bandits and was found and raised by the frostwolf clan. she is the adopted daughter of a two orcs another shaman and an ex-warrior turned blacksmith.

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I will admit. I downloaded a family tree app because I always go way too in-depth with my characters lore, to the point that both of my mains have great-grandparents that they refer to by name. I like having the information there and it’s fun to write the stories.

This character, Taloree, grew up in Gilneas with her mom and dad both very much alive. Her mother was a warlock and her father sort of did his own thing until druidism was introduced. He took that up, Taloree followed.

Melody ACTUALLY had to go on an in character journey to find her roots. She was born in Stratholme after her parents had a drunken one night stand, her mother having twins. Her and her sister. After that, Melody was adopted by her fathers brother, Jeremiah and his wife Jayden. At that point, they were living in Westfall so she grew up around the Defias Brotherhood, even running with them for a moment.

She met her real dad months before either of them found out, and they hated each other. Her father died during the initial fall of Stratholme, and he actually ended up killing her mother during the events BEFORE his death. They were then both raised as Death Knights, and it doesn’t help that Melody followed the Scarlet Crusade for a hot moment.

After her father died was when she found out who he really was, and then met her sister and her mom. It was a sweet story, despite the chaos of everything happening at once.

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My parents abandoned me and my brother when we were toddlers. The orphanage gave us meals, but we slept in the streets of Gilneas City and under the trees of the Headlands. Our only playmates were each other and the wild horses. I never knew my parents… but I knew there names. Sharlene Chase, and Brenton Chase. When I went looking for them, I found them raised as Forsaken. I was forced to kill them.

If this was meant to be a happy thread, you can say good bye to that idea.