Your Character's First Job

Professional thief / ‘permanent borrower’ / ‘asset re-allocationist’ of high-valued artifacts when he was Exiled to Eldre’thalas with his wife way, way back. Snuck out to bring her back cool stuff to try and fight Tortheldrin from the inside. The rule was, everything he brought back, had to be worth more than the last thing he brought her. Was pretty romantic, her Dad was a Magister in Suramar, and he scaled her balcony scalawag style to make her his wife in a couple ways before he found out. She was Highborne, he was not >.> XD.

She died in Legion when I split with my ex. It was pretty sad.
Explains why this guy absolutely hates Humans now, though. :smiley:


My very first job in roleplay was when I started here in 2010 Alliance side.

This character was a night elf then. She worked as a bartender and cook at the Blue Recluse, and I would post in trade about it and everyone who came in would get to pick from a menu and I’d bring them food and drinks. I actually had a gbank for all these meals which I made myself, and drinks which I mostly just bought off the AH. That guild bank is still on one of my alts actually…but I changed the name of it a few years ago when I thought I’d actually try some Alliance RP again.

I had no idea what I was doing because I was just starting out with RP but I have great memories from it. Was a lot of fun!


First RP job was as a bodyguard. I was scenery to other peoples RP.


Quanto-temporal researcher for the High Council. Got the job straight out of the Prydonian Acad–

Oh wait, you mean her first job on Azeroth:smile:

That would be basically gofer for Drusilla La Salle.

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Xao’lio’s first proper job as a youth was helping in his parents’ mining operation. Planned to be the inheritor of the mining business, he was placed into the mines to know how to dig up jade. After a few years and Xao’s bad habits. He left the job for his own pursuit.

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I love everyone’s answers so far!

Nazgo’rak was assigned to weapon and armor production (ambersmithing) when he returned home to Manti’vess as a full-fledged citizen because of his knack for fashioning makeshift tools of war for himself and his fellow swarmborn to ensure their survival through their rite of passage.

He enjoys his craft, even after all of these years, but he’s grown increasingly fond of doing ornamental work. It’s kind of surprising that someone like him is so appreciative of beauty, elegance, and artwork. (As a person, he’s the polar opposite - he’s ugly, crass, and his living quarters are a complete mess.)


Oh this is an interesting thread! I love the replies so far.

:thinking: Feyawen’s first “job”. Hm. Well, her first adult responsibility was more of a family obligation to assist in maintaining the domestic affairs of her family household. This wasn’t an occupation, nor was she paid. Rather, it was a self-imposed expectation.

Her mother got very ill and could no longer run the affairs of the estate, so Feyawen assumed the role and maintained it even after her mother’s passing. As far as beginnings go, it was excruciatingly boring but she was decent at it.

This was in the era of the Kaldorei Empire, around the time Queen Azshara began to rise to power and when the popularity of arcane was slowly beginning to replace the old faiths. Feyawen’s household was situated in the northwest, along the border shared with the Drakkari tribes. Back in those days, Fey was pretty terrified of trolls.


Oh, you’re a geologist?

Name every rock.

oh you’re a catholic?

name every cat.


Powder monkey.

Not that Yoselia remembers it, but before her death she was a caravan guard. Pretty generic sorta thing, right? Well, sadly, it was what got her killed! She died in a fight defending her caravan from being torched by the Alliance. She still holds a grudge, but more important things now.

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Squire. She cleaned armor, helped her knight arm himself, learned how to properly use a weapon, and ended up fighting when the Scourge started to get out of hand in the Third War. She was always eager to do more, to become the youngest knight in Stromgarde’s known history…things didn’t quite go as planned.

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What the heck is that? O.o

The cabin boy used on warships to carry gunpowder to the guns.


Word. :skull_and_crossbones:

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She was an apprentice to an arcanist for two thousand years. But that was more charity seeing as she her master did all the lifting. Gave her a home, taught her magic, fed her. She didn’t really give much in return to earn it.

Her first job where she was paid was as a warlock for the Legion. She turned in traitors and bolstered their forces, the Legion would teach her fel magic and give her purpose.

First job when she was given money for her services was in the army as a sort of warlock contractor. She wasn’t officially part of the Honorbound, but they would employ her for specialized projects that required uh… high casualty attacks like sweeping waves of felfire. Highly effective against night elf resistors hiding in trees.

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As a child he worked at Sunsail Anchorage basically doing any kind of work they told him to do. This was basically his own initiative so he could earn the coin to pay for lessons at Falthrien Academy.

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Would have learned engineering from his father and traveled with him. So likely would have been an assistant and merchant. Wouldn’t be till much later that he expressed interest in diving after a life changing event.

Tani here was the Shaman and Healer for her caravan - they all split up thanks to wanting to do different things, but that was her first ‘job’!

Better much a Cook before Bryian became a Crusader.