Your character name mispronouced

no, but accidently saying accident wrong could be funny tho

no one has mispronounced my name but almost no one has ever said it either.
if they did mispronounce it i guess it would be like “I’ve Got no V!” which is unfortunate.

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I want to pronounce that as Got-noF. :wink:

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Dray-day was the worst one.

It’s the old english spelling of dread.

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It’s actually meant to be pronounced like the sweater.

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My name has been a mispronounced so many times and so many different ways

One was Mer celda

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Tokonoten is rather easy for people to get - but it is rather long so a majority of people just shorten it to “Toko”, but one day someone shortened it even more to just “Tok”

Eventually my name is apparently just going to be decreasingly verbose

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An -(word can not post), not kidding. Sooo many ( word I can’t post, but it’s in the nether region of a body ) jokes. I actually never play this character anymore.

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Andy-song is the most common mispronunciation I’ve heard.
Correct pronunciations are either: “An-adi-song” or “A-naughty-song”
Tomato, tomato for me for both of them


SAH-ahn-GREE-ahl ; /ˌsɑː. Ê”É‘Ć‹ËˆgÉčiː. aÉ«/)

not /san greel/

Actually, most people just use San or Xan which is my old nickname in games of the past. Short for Xanatos

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Mine doesn’t get mispronounced that often. Only one person has trouble with it. My raid leader keeps saying as “Ihateyou” every time I log in.


Except it looks french so it would be pronounced “air-nay”.

Was supposed to be the diacritic mark for a silent E. Problem is, I think I mixed up the marks.

I used to have a panda named Lee Liu Lillydew and would challenge people to say it 5 times fast. That was fun.

Having Fallefel as my nick I feel the curse of falafel.

Usually, mine gets shortened to Atax (sounds like “Attacks”) which I’m totally cool with.

yet again another instance where I have something in my settings turned off or deleted. Voice in wow and other games is too distracting for me.

I won’t lie Cooperbrew, when my brain sees your character name, it always says “Copper”-brew
despite seeing the double ‘o’.