He just crits anyone who looks at him the wrong way. It is his namesake after all.
I hold a tray of unmarked potions and play russian roulette with the player.
Pretty sure you simply run around and kill everything, as fast as you possibly can, and loot whatever you can get… aka standard WoW play
I trot after fellow players, offering [Healthstones] to make things a little easier!
Explain in GREAT LENGTH why Sylvanas was right, and rebut any of your claims to the contrary with Sylvanas quotes.
My Hunter: Jumps around while sending out pets.
My Paladin: Does 1 damage then pop bubble one when close to death and heal.
Throw diapers at people.
I occasionally threaten the person running the instance, but I never attack. Here are some:
“You want teeth, I want answers!”
“Start talking! Don’t make me crack open your skull and look for the answers inside!”
“Lie to me, and get ready to eat the rest of your meals through a straw.”
“Nothing harms me. But I know pain. I know pain. Sometimes I share it, with someone like you.”
Summons something bigger to fight the player.
My class is in a room and if interacted with I scream horrible ice puns at you.
Ice to meet you! Want to chill? Freeze in the name of the law!
Wait when you say people, do you mean Horde people or Alliance people? Surely horde, right? Right?! prepares to duck and cover!
So when is something gonna come out of it for non pvpers? I know you can’t really give a serious answer but I can wonder right?
Leave swiftly this content is so boring to me i dont even want to do it.
I log out.
Example: You’d have to correctly spell an Old Norse word( any word, complete with funny squiggles).
Then we FIGHT!
After that we ‘skäl’ each other, complete with emote, before you can loot.
Good fun ya?
((and you thought you’d gone insane BEFORE this lol))
Dedaru here heard N’Zoth’s whispers and is convinced that everyone is trying to destroy archives and historical artifacts, so she will stop at nothing using the Elements to prevent people from trying to steal such things.
Overcome with despair the likes of Thrall and Rexxar falling to N’Zoth Gornur is one of the countless Horde forces to drink the Blood of N’Zoth. Throughout he sends elementals against heroes before running off in ghost wolf.
If he not killed Gornur aids Thrall in his fight.
I do to them the worst thing I can think… I trap them and I never ending Azerite gathering nightmare!
Im a random level 1 creature running around, panicking while spouting off random religious ideals. When killed, I let out a final grasp, saying a random line from one of GD’s many constant complaints.
My NPC’s name? Forum Poster.
No no, say “what a SLAP to the FACE”!