Your best WoW Jokes?

One of my favorite times in WoW is making a new Tauren and talking in general chat in the starter area. Cow puns for days. I herd you want some beef.


Joke threads get 404’d these days. Also the thread about excessive moderation ruining the fun. Anyway.

How do you pick up Night Elf chicks?

With a dust pan!


What do you call a Worgen hunter out and about with their pet Mastiff?

Date Night


Arthas and Uther walk into a building.

Arthas asks, “What’s this switch for?”

Uther replies, "For the Light!"


How many Blizz Devs does it take to change a light bulb?
None, “the lightbulb is working as intended.”

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What did the Murlock say when he swam into the concrete wall?


Who is the current Warchief of the Horde?

Double the Global Cooldown.

The amount of necro in this thread.


Forum necromancer strikes again!


azerite being a good replacement for tier.
holinka heading class design

So I walk into an establishment that serves fermented malt beverages, and spirits. The bartender is quite shocked to see standing before him a Forsaken with a missing lower jaw. After a few awkward garbled attempts the barman understands that I’d like a pint of mead.

He turns around to hand me my drink - suddenly turns pale, and vomits profusely behind the counter. Again I mutter/garble out what’s wrong - is it my appearance - my stench?

Barman wipes his face clean, and says - ‘The Orc standing behind you - he mistook the back of your neck for chip dip’…

Demon Hunter class design.

You think you want the lightbulb on, but you really don’t.


And the light swithch is time gated on a global cool down

(Posting in a necro thread iwas in a year ago)

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Sammi wants to resurrect you

Hard fat decline thanks

I know you guys want Necromancers in game, but you gotta stop RPing as them in the forums…

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I am a paladin short and stout, here is my mace, here is my mount. When I see enemies I scream and shout, pop by bubble and hearthstone out!


I made this one up in an older thread and I’ll do it again

Q: What is similar between horde leaders and Gangsta rappers?

A: Life Expectancy

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