edit: this got fixed
Finished it, and I believe the chests are supposed to appear under this cache reward bar, but there’s nothing there.
edit: this got fixed
Finished it, and I believe the chests are supposed to appear under this cache reward bar, but there’s nothing there.
Can confirm, no chest after completing 20 waves.
Same…but I Waited about 5 minutes and then it appeared
If I log out and then log back in, one chest will appear (and it’s interactable), and it’s in the middle of being looted by someone then disappears. I’ve done this process several times and was able to tag a chest before it disappeared, and got some rewards. But there should be more than one chest for doing 20 waves, I believe.
I can’t even access it, the guy has no dialog for me to enter. And I’ve done every quest available up until reset today.
completed the quest and zoned out. 3 Chests were visible and interactable however another player looted them and ran off. I’m unsure if it’s just a chest that spawns occasionally or if someone just ran off with my rewards lol.
Same issues, no chest
This. I’ve lost all my chests to other players looting them after I log back in. They’re going to have to re-reward these things lol
After waiting about 5min the chests started appearing again. However, they’re only lootable by one person before they disappear again. For now, it seems like you’re only able to obtain your rewards if you’re the first one to click the chests.
So they do appear, however as soon as ANYONE loots one, it disappears and is not personal loot so you have to wait for it to respawn and hope you click it first otherwise you aint getting the loot till you can loot it.
I believe you watched other players loot the 4 chests you were owed. I think they are appearing one by one slowly, or after you login/log out, but instead of being only lootable by you, any player can loot them.
So Blizz will need to re-reward these chests after fixing the bug.
How did this bug make it. This is gamebreaking.
Confirm that the chests are lootable by other players, no individual loot/rewards
Same here. 20/20 waves, no chests there when I loaded out, but a ton of people standing around.
CODE RED!!! Can confirm we are all looting other people’s loot and having our loot looted by others. I cleared 20/20 waves had to wait for a chest to spawn and got trivial loot. For testing purposes, I waited to see if another chest was lootable. Confirmed able to loot multiple/other people’s chests. Players are stealing chests as they spawn and gaining both rep and loot rewards stolen from other players. A reversal will be needed.
I finally looted 4 chest by hanging around - were they my chest I have no idea. I didn’t get the mount for doing the 20 waves and chevio though - did anyone get that?
Can confirm, did the 20 waves and did not get any chests, I saw one spawn and someone immediately clicked it before I could and it disappeared.
They’ve got these things coded like the other treasures in the expansion, because that’s what people were clamoring for, a return to waiting on things.
All my chest appeared now, after coming back to the location.
You’d have to loot more than 5 chests. You’re awarded 4.