Hi, i just installed PTR version 9.0 pre.patch, but when i open the game it says me that my 3d accelerator card is not supported. I played BFA and Legion without any problems, i dont have the minimum requirements to play BFA, and it goes very good. I tried with Dxcpl to open PTR, it opens but the fps are very low. I want to know if there is any way to avoid this error and be able to play.
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You’ll want to post this in the tech support forum.
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I just tried to launch retail with Dxcpl, i had the same fps as PTR, so i think i can run shadowlands without any problem.
what option u had to check with dxcpl? my retail works fine but ptr wont open
I just selected the .exe, featured level limit: 11_1 and Force WARP, no more changes. If i dont open PTR with Dxcpl, it don’t works.
Can u teach step by step how to do it? I have the same issue but don’t know how to do that
- Open Dxcpl x64 bits (if you dont have it, download it from google)
- Go to edit list
- Select WowT.exe (in your world of warcraft folder)
- Click accept
- In device settings: Feature level limit, set it to 11_1
- Activate Force WARP option
- Click accept
- Open WowT.exe
(sorry if my english is bad, i’m still learning :D)
it didn’t work for me, but thanks anyway
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