You WILL get farmed in BGs by the way, it's not a solution

This is not Vanilla, this is Classic with a huge chunk of the population consisting of private server players that have literally solved this game for over a decade.

They were there at the beginning farming Devilsaur Leather exploiting the layers 24/7 and Mafiaing up to get rich in just a week, they were there to speed clear MC and the guild clique is 8/8 with probably more than alt maxed out as well, and they are here right now farming you in WPvP.

That’s not gonna change with BGs at all, stop and think for a moment and realize that:

BGs are gonna be full of twinked out premades Graveyard farming every.single.PUG out there. What happens if a premade runs into another one? They just leave because the time lost is minimal compared to wasting time between them. And that’s not taking into considering how they WILL queue dodge most of the time.

For anyone that thinks that it’ll be a better experience than current WPvP chaotic fiesta, trust me it will not. You’re gonna be grinded twice as more and guess what’s the better part? BGs don’t have timers on Classic, so the premade team will keep farming you at your Graveyard until the end of time or until you get sick of it and end up leaving, either way you lost both your time and BG.

I hope people unaware of what they should expect from this game should know about this, and maybe save themselves the waste of time before committing even more time into Classic. I’m not telling you go back to Retail but rather do an informed opinion knowing what’s coming for you.

I was skeptical at first but everything has played out exactly as I expected: Leveling was converted into cleave metas, obscure drops and Trinkets were farmed on hold immediately, MC was cleared in less than a week, and people are despairing because the game is literally unplayable right now because of the WPvP gank raids.


You can just leave a bg and resume playing the game normally.


Except graveyard farming isn’t efficient honor farm, finishing the bgs in a blowout as fast as possible is.

They’ll still get crushed, and spend most of their time dead, but they’ll have to continually queue to do so.


Alliance keeps crying no matter what, what do you want blizzard to do exactly? if someone is doing well ban them so bad players can catch up?


IMO, the point is to slow down the gankfests so people can actually go out in the world and play the game a bit. What’s the point of BG’ing before cap level if you’re not twinking for honor anyway? Sure, there’s some leveling gear involved, but nothing that won’t be replaced before max level anyway.

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When opposite sides are even, there is no being farmed—just losing.


the expectation you missed: players are still going to camp OW flight paths/etc - releasing bg’s wont change that lol.

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The smart ones wont be


OP just go do warfronts and LFR on retail, it was made for you


That’s kind of the point of BGs, to farm each other for honor. It is not only a solution, it is the solution simply because it’s what people are signing up for in a BG. Over dramatizing it doesn’t really make any point, but rather misses the point of the complaints flooding the forums right now.


Nah. You’re underestimating the number of people playing the game. Most people playing the game are not private server players. Private server players represent an extreme minority of total population. So much so it’s not even worth discussing them.

There are going to be a lot of premades, and there are going to be a lot of randoms. But it has nothing to do with private server players.


Interesting, I’ll try to think which option is more humiliating lol, either getting farmed at the GY or losing the BG in a couple minutes.

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If illegal server players are as smart and expert as the OP makes them out to be they would know that farming kills in BGs is not efficient at all for the honor grind.


my mid 40s alts wont be wasting time in bgs, so i couldnt possibly care less.


yep, i wont be shocked when gankfest still happens in ow after bgs are released. those that think worldpvp will disappear are drinking the koolaid.


Op is right, we will be farming your level 10-19’s but not for honor, for enjoyment. For DAYS at a time. Also, WTB shadowfang!

I wonder what the horde queue is gonna be for pvp. I hope its super long

This. My experience is that most are retailers. This means a lot of road fighting haha.

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Who cares if people get farmed in BGs? At least there it will be even numbers on each side. Also, the pvpers can flock to BGs and leave people who wanna go farm alone.


you can just well, premade all day

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