That’s the majority. You’re not alone. Many of us remember when blizz was reasonable with their grinds.
The PTR achievement to reduce the cost of the sets to 20 tokens doesn’t appear in my achievement pane on live realms.
Is it fake news to keep people strung along? Or am I the idiot this one time?
Of course it doesn’t the one to reduce to 20 will not show up until the 40 is completed. The achievement is locked behind the 40 which has to be completed first. The achievement changes once you unlock the first step
It works just like the character leveling boost achievements.
It’s only a slow drip for the first 3 weeks yes it’s unfortunate but after that first three weeks you should be at 100 coins and that will unlock the achievement so you can spam Farm them on multiple Toons or the same tune if you desire
“But I want it NOW”
-Veruca Salt
I do kind of agree both ways. The time gating really didn’t need to be there it just makes the event feel Bland instead of fun. It’s supposed to be a 20-year celebration after all
But at the same time it is just 3 weeks in the event last months so I kind of feel like it’s a double-edged sword at the moment if you get what I’m saying
Stop time gating crap in an event that is suppose to be a celebration.
There is no silver lining to this event. It’s another Blizzard time played metric scam.
This company has done more shady crap in one week than some developers do in decades. Stop defending a scummy company
Thank you for putting this all in one place for us, it’s incredibly helpful
This is not an appropriate time to use “of course” in your reply.
Not one person can verify the achieve with a completely different name even exists on live servers. As far as any of us know, blizz could have taken it out.
“Of course”, tho.
I can’t believe in 2024 people have so much unwaivering faith in this company.
Blows my mind.
Well this applies to most western made games mass effect, Skyrim, dragon age, fallout all take like 25* hours to get good
I will get 0. I don’t want to grab 100 tokens to then start drop them from any and every content.
Did these meme weeklies once and gg
Im at 40 tokens already this week. And i just play casually. Doesnt really seem that bad to me.
It’s 100% Blizzard’s fault that not enough people saw an older blog post compared to their anniversary announcement when it launched that didn’t mention the bronze unlock (and people wouldn’t know about the unlock just encountering the systems in-game).
It’s also still an obnoxious unnecessary system that clearly only exists to make sure the anniversary event overlaps multiple subscription periods.
No it doesn’t lol. It’s been stale since the first day. The only difference is you get the chase items at that point.
I dunno, the cosmetics are nice, but they really need to figure out a balance between time it takes based on the level of fun. People were mad at Plunderstorm, but at least it was variable to a degree due to the PvP.
This is going to be near impossible to do because it’s been quite clear to me for some time that the developers do not actually play the game. So they keep coming up with these ideas that sound good on paper but execute very poorly. I don’t really like Guild Wars 2 it’s not my cup of tea but I do think it’s quite clear that those developers actually play the game
I’m sorry but when you hire developers to work on a game to try and hire people to avidly play the game but that’s just my two cents I don’t know how realistic it is to find that.
A good balance would have been capping you to 40 coins the first week and setting the achievement to 50 coins instead of 100. That way literally after the first week you could Farm those coins to your heart’s content
So… pretty much make it unbearable until you reach the point you develop Stockholm Syndrome before making it actually enjoyable to play?
It’s remarkable just how much better received the event will be if they got rid of the “first 100 tokens” part. Just drop the T2 sets to 20 tokens (where it is after buying your first two, which costs a total of 100 tokens) and have the extra tokens start dropping from the start. Those two little changes, which are effectively built into the game already, would help out the event IMMENSELY.
Instead, they opt to slow everything down by making this HORRENDOUS early grind – which they’ve made no indication of lifting down the line, meaning even later players have to suffer through it – for no damn good reason.
This isn’t designing to make the event fun.
It’s manipulative and abusive design that makes players suffer before they’re allowed to have fun.
No more like so pretty much just tell yourself to just do the weeklies and not even think about the event for 3 weeks. It takes minimal time for you and puts you at that 100 coins
Once you hit the first one hundred you can then Farm as many or as little as you want. With that being said do I think this was a good idea no I do not. It’s obvious they were time getting people time it with sub-renewals.
In my opinion they should have kept you the first week and that’s it. Tap you at 40 the first week and set the achievement to 50 instead of 100. So after the first week you could Farm those coins to your heart’s content
Well, I’m currently pissed off at the reward structure of the event and struggling to consider doing any more of it. I also lack TWW (and this event pretty much killed the idea of ever paying for it), so I’ll have far less coins than most.
It’ll be a struggle to stomach this event enough to hit 60 tokens for the first set, let alone hit 100 for the second. And there is a VERY high chance I’ll be cancelling my subscription within days of getting it… though in some fairness, I wasn’t planning on sticking around for much longer as coming back to WoW for a brief nostalgia trip was the point for me coming back at all. It’s already lasted much longer than expected.
Nevertheless, the awful reward structure of this event is probably going to end it on a sour note.
I spent 1.5 hours on Tuesday doing the weeklys. I didnt even do all of them and Im at 35. So no I dont consider under 2 hours a week a struggle sorry.
Also, you have more than 2 months because the event is not going anywhere soon. Surprise surprise, chronic online players freak out on the forums over nothing, more news at 11.
The same people complaining now? Will be back in December complaining that they have all the T2 sets and nothing to spend the anniversary coins on. Just like in Remix