You think you want more realms, but you don't

Might have to go outside the box on this one… You see, Blizzard has a history.

There seem to be two issues being argued in the thread,

  1. overall server size
    Yes its bigger servers than vanilla was, but this is completely reasonable and fits with the layering approach, squeeze extra people into multiple layers at launch so that once the tourists clear out there are still enough left for a health vanilla sized server when layering drops out at phase 2.
    If you are opposed to that then you are really just trying to relitigate the layering decision that has been debated to death in numerous threads already.

And ultimately if more people stick around than expected so that the populations are too large heading into phase 2 they can fall back on offering free server transfers like they used in vanilla to manage extreme cases.

  1. The decision to tag as full but not actually lock servers.
    Is it better to lock the servers so if your friends hadn’t already pre-registered their names its too late for them to join the same server? Or is it better to let them keep signing on but give everyone fair warning that they can expect queues if they stick with their current server choice?
    You are being given fair warning of what to expect so if you chose to ignore those warnings then don’t complain about the day one experience when it happens.
    Utlimately you just need to decide whether a particular server name and/or the particular character names you have managed to lock up on that server, are more or less important to you than having a smooth launch experience and make an informed decision on what works best for you, but don’t try to blame it on anyone else when you have been given plenty of warning and plenty of notice to consider your options.

Look, anyone could have seen this coming. And the reality is when launch hits it’s going to be SOOO much worse. The vast majority of players won’t show up until then. So if they’re full now already? Just you wait.


This is exactly correct.

they think classic wow will have less players overtime than garbage retail bfa?

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until phase 2 when they remove it.

Everyone is viewing this incorrectly, as is Blizzard.
Right now, you don’t have 12 servers about to be full.
Right now, you merely have 12 servers that are filled with reserved names, with a 3 character limit per WoW account, not BNet account. Players with multiple WoW accounts could reserve up to 24 names per BNet account (8 WoW accounts per BNet account). Players with multiple BNet accounts could reserve up to 72 names (3 BNet account max, with 8 WoW accounts per BNet account).
The name reservation was a bad idea. Sure, a lot of players got the names they wanted, but many, I’d say most, settled for names that they finally were able to get registered in the process, not the actual names they wanted. So there’s going to be a few, possibly quite a few, names that will never get played much if any. And since every one of those names are a level 1, they all count towards the realm’s population. Even if you re-did the math and only counted say 1 name per player per realm, and the realms are full, many of those names will go unused because they’re not players’ first choices. I myself created 6 characters, across 4 realms, that I never intend to level. But I have the names, and as long as I log in to them occasionally, they’ll count towards the realm’s head count.
So. No… not full servers.
Servers full of reserved names.

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All I know is they better not be dodging questions on the 20th when they do their Reddit AMA. We need to know how many unique accounts created toons on these servers, and what the exact criteria are to get more opened up.

Don’t interrupt him/her. That blizzard water is not going to carry itself, nor are those posts going to write themselves.

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Oh that is easily solvable by blizzard. Hold phase 2 hostage until people transfer off the full servers.

Guess, what, there are many people who don’t even have subs, who are coming to this game, and where will they go? the servers *are all either full/high or medium.

with reserved names, not actively logged in players.

EDIT - until the classic realms go live, there’s no way to know how it all will shake out. Will all of those full/high pop realms take a beating on logins? Possibly. Will all of those med pop realms be playable, or will those “new players” as you described choose them to roll on, thus making those realms more populated than the currently shown full/high pops?

The populations were only determined by the account creation, so if they log in, along with the people who have not created characters YET, that means very high pop servers.

If they said herod has 10000 possible queue, JUST from character creation, where does that leave the acutal login if extra people decide to join herod.
Thats all I meant.

Another post that doesn’t understand that Blizzard can’t make everyone happy.

To keep everyone happy, Blizzard will need to launch servers with no layering at all, very high-pop servers, low-pop servers, servers with different estimates for tourist drop-off (to hit ultimate pop targets by, say, phase 2), servers with certain faction balance, servers where every player somehow is guaranteed to get their name, servers that will never progress beyond classic, servers that will progress to TBC, WotLK, or classic+, servers with new graphics, all the above with no queues, or some queues, allowing certain addons or not, and some with streaming banned. And every permutation of the above.

And, of course, if Blizzard doesn’t do all of this, Classic is destined to fail hard, and it indicates that Blizzard is some combination of greedy, corrupt, and lazy.

I understand your intended meaning.
It’s Blizzard’s fault(?) for allowing the reservations, but I honestly believe they did it to simply be able to see how well/poorly the login servers would handle the load. Like a test run for launch. I don’t agree with their allotment of 3 characters per WoW account, it should have been 1 character per unique BNet account.

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They admitted the other servers are full. In their words the servers have more accounts with registered names on them then were on maxed out population servers during WoW Vanilla.

Every Classic Server is over capacity, and this is just from name reservations? Most of the ‘tourists’ don’t even bother registering names. Launch day is a bomb waiting to go off… again. But now we also have months of layering to also ruin the integrity of the game.

While I agree that Blizzard needs to be careful in the amount of servers they open, there is no hiding the fact that a server with this large of a community is NOT classic! Classic was about running around and seeing the familiar faces. That will not happen with layering and 20k populations on a server.

Let’s all get hysterical about a “problem” that has not even happened yet. That always fixes everything. :sunglasses:

Cycle of some wow players

demand more realms due to high pop
demand free xfers off
demand realm mergers from low pop
demand free xfers
demand more realm mergers from lower pop
don’t forget demand free xfers
rinse and repeat.

problem with locking them would be locking out half a guild if all the members didnt get in on time. maybe saying full when they were at vanilla version of full would have been a deturant. but it doesnt really matter atm because they will ALL be full on launch, except maybe a new one that opens up on launch.