I know I’ve said before I don’t like the imp zoo, but it’s the style, so I have to deal with it. That said, feel like it should give at least 3 imps to line up with Power Siphon better.
I know I’ve said before I don’t like the imp zoo, but it’s the style, so I have to deal with it. That said, feel like it should give at least 3 imps to line up with Power Siphon better.
I think summon imp should also have its own inner demons to give you more passive imps. Down with felguards.
Felguard is our only pet who can tank right now though.
What’s nicer than all of that is having these random imps actually listen to you, so you can drop combat when u want instead of cursing these damned imps!
I usually get mad when they keep attacking and just implode them
Eh, I’m more referring to content where you don’t need a personal tank.
I think they should rework Inner Demons into the old Imp Swarm Glyph. Every 12 secs get a charge, up to 5 (1 minute) or maybe 10 (2 minutes). Pressing Imp Swarm consumed all charges to summon that many imps.
I dunno if we need yet another button though. Maybe tie it to Shadowbolt and when we have charges, Shadowbolt is instant cast?
He’s not the only pet who can tank, he’s just the best one.
I keep reading the blueberry just pops, if you don’t pull off him.