You sold us out

Oh look. Can’t play the game I pay for due to a massive queue.

Big surprise that Blizzard has yet again mismanaged things again causing yet another $hit$torm where they get to laugh their way to the bank.

“Cash Rules Everything Around Me
C.R.E.A.M. get the money
Dolla dolla bill y’all”

-Activi$ion Blizzard


Why are you so upset about others getting the same rights that you get when they also pay money? If anything, they’re more important after paying the subscription cost on top of the server transfer cost thereby feeding Blizzard more money. Quit being entitled and privileged.


You won’t have to worry about me. I don’t play on pvp servers.

FALSE. They only “sold us out” if they promised us a server cap, and failed to give us a server cap. Did they promise that? NO.

Should they have promised that, and should they have done that? That is personal opinion. You say yes. Blizzard says no.

Did they over-ride their decision with your opinion? NO. I don’t call that “selling us out”.


TY Skeram!

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Thank you op, my server is getting smaller and my guild has been looking to xfer somewhere.

This sounds like a great place to move our guild.