I wouldn’t see any problems with like normal and heroic rotating normalized versions of old dungeons into different levels and letting people queue into them.
You could perhaps separate em into different tiers based on their levels.
Like a dungeon roulette kind of thing!
You could give a base currency that only allowed you to buy catch up gear at certain thresholds of lvl so people don’t fall flat in ilvl as they level.
Our characters are supposed to become more powerful as we gain levels and complete each expansion. The level cap was 120 in BfA, so why should we now struggle through, say, content that was Level 90? Plus the bosses in old raids and dungeons are dead in the current timeline. Those stories reached completion. The old content was cheapened when the following tier was released, and it had to be that way or else the game would stagnate. It would cheapen our characters’ development to force them to complete old content as though it were current.
I wouldn’t mind having more optional scaled raids, though. Or some clarity from Blizzard about whether some Classic servers will be true progression servers. I want to play MoP again.
It’s unfortunate that people, like this one, are allowed to post these toxic ideologies on the CC forums. People, motivated by competition and digital dopamine acknowledgement plates, are just what they are: Not the real part of the community. If we also go by the lunatic idea of “Mythic should reward only items when its current”, then a few of the current playable races would not be able to obtain Heritage-based and lore-correct weapons, which includes Mechagnomes, Kul Tirans, Mag’har Orcs, Nightbornes, Zandalari Trolls and the Vulpera (linked with Sethrak weapons).
The whole point of the council is to provide a variety of viewpoints/feedback. You can disagree if you want, that’s great, but disagreeing doesn’t mean the opinion shouldn’t be voiced. The vast majority of people on the council clearly agree with you anyway.
I’m also not necessarily saying mythic transmogs should be unavailable (I think they should, same as Elite, but I realize that it’ll never happen), but having more/better time-limited cosmetics would absolutely be an improvement. Make a separate 2.1k PvP/2.5k M+/CE glow (and tier recolor in the case of M+, raid/PvP already have those) instead of sharing it between them, make the glow actually visible because you need to actively be looking for it while zoomed in to even notice the current ones. Add more cosmetics, and have some of those be time-limited.
Time limited items heavily favor the corporation, while simultaneously having the effect of making consumers fear that they may miss out on something. It’s a pro-corporate/anti-consumer strategy that been used for ages, and I have never been a fan of the practice.
I also don’t see how any of this is helpful to the large portion of players who spend their free time grinding for old mounts or transmog without having to roll against others due to artificially increasing the health and damage output of mobs in outdated content. If it were made totally optional I wouldn’t care, though.
Yes and No. Your opinion is, in my honest opinion, just problematic. It’s on the same level, as if I would advocate in gatekeeping RP-servers from regular players, because they are poison and need to be removed from our server.
You only see the competitive part of acquiring items but you never made a deep dive into the lore, the available items and why certain items need to come back. For you, it’s just “an item which was available during a FOMO event”. That regular players get punished in not acquiring the correct Blight Clothes during BfA does not concern you, but it leaves a very bad taste in making PVPers the supreme players while the majority are the ones, who engage with the story. It’s this kind of twisted distribution, which ruined a lot in WoW. Just look at the Vicious mounts. They haven’t updated the old racial mounts since Cataclysm, but the new models are PVP-exclusive items. Why can’t they release the new mounts without the flags?
And then we have people, like you, who rally for gatekeeping while the game lacks a lot. What kind of person do you want to be? The one, who looks at the issues the game has and makes it for everyone better or the one, who enjoys elitism? It’s actually an easy choice to make and the problems, WoW has, can be easily solved.
The “glow” part is also an idea I had. Allow the old PVP items to be released and give PVP a glow-version of the same items, to make them standout in dark areas.
No. We do not punish new players who come too late. If we had the FF14-system, then it would be fine - but we don’t.
Just another way of saying you disagree with my opinion.
I just disagree about what makes the game better. That includes rewarding people who do impressive things in the game in ways that forever show that they did so.
Making cosmetics unobtainable after a while isn’t punishing. You can play perfectly fine without it, it’s not player power we’re gating from people here.
Wrong. Not only should everyone be able to solo old raids/dungeons, but everyone should be able to solo current content as well. The items shouldn’t have any stats, but they should unlock the transmog appearances
FOMO-items need to be done smart, without any negative repercussions for the community. Nobody cares for the 1%, the mass brings in the money, not them. Elitism by gatekeeping designs and colors has no place in WoW here, it only make things worse. There are better ways to distribute FOMO-items in WoW.
It absolutely does. Rewards that encourage people to push themselves into harder content now instead of waiting until it’s completely free to solo are a good thing.
They definitely need to provide a wider range from a variety of content. That doesn’t mean stop doing it for raids/M+/PvP (do it more), but add things from other content. Dragon races, pet battles, secret finding, more mage tower-esque content etc all have plenty of room for rewarding people who did something cool at a specific moment in time.
So glad people like the OP aren’t working on WoW, though the current Dev team isn’t much better, but still, if he had his way, this game would be dead for all but raiders.
The same thing goes for the CC member who commented. I respect, but disagree with, their opinion.
Outdated content that provides objects for players to work towards when they’re not trying to compete against one another is a somewhat neglected pillar of this game, through transmog hunting.
Removing, or limiting, that further would be akin to aiming a gun at ABK’s foot. This is not the way to improve the player experience.
I disagree with original poster, yet I would like a World Scaling Sytem implemented that can be turned off and on by the player. This way the farmers can farm and any one that want to do old content and get xp or be challenged can.
It is a little weird that I can solo old raids. On the other hand, it allows me to see content for the sake of the story that I couldn’t do at the time.
Would making them always max level really make others run them with me? Or would it just mean I’d never see that content?
Your typical elitist attitude for everything.
You can’t encourage group play, you can only discourage solo play, which your typical raid or else elitist pushes for.
Absolutely no one cares that you feel “bothered” by people running raids for xmog, or mount tries with expansions that are 7+ years old. People running those raids has absolutely no impact on you, other than your apparent need to make other people more miserable than you are.
This is not the problem we have. The problem is, as mentioned above, is that lore-correct colorization (Alliance Blue, Horde Red) are FOMO, gatekeeped as limited rewards in various stages across the game, while the “regular colors” should be accessible for everyone. If you want a neon-colorization, then go for FOMO content, but not regular ones. It’s basically the same problem as with the vicious mounts, but the stuff I talk about are lost now.
Do we agree that non-canon stuff should be FOMO and canon-based rewards not?