You shouldn't be able to solo old raids/dungeons

This character is literally just wearing whatever you end up with at the end of Exile’s Reach because I had to get through that to post on NA forums. What it looks like is entirely irrelevant to me.

And no, it’s not a silver bullet. Just because you want the lore-appropriate colors to be the “default, available for everybody forever” colors doesn’t mean everybody does. Other people might prefer if the neon colors were the base version because those are the ones they want, and they’d be fine with the lore-appropriate ones being limited time.

I’m not an elected representative or whatever. I’m here to bring my own views and feedback to the discussion, and by bringing in a variety of different people to the CC Blizzard ends up with a variety of viewpoints. I absolutely do not speak for you, or anybody else except myself (except for what you can extrapolate based on what kind of player I am)