You shouldn’t sign up to tank a tribute run if you don’t know how to do it

Ok so I have to agree with what Zolmation said, not every tank knows how to do everything and you should be thankful for even having a tank, I have seen many groups just flat out disband because they cant find a tank. And for your information that does come from someone who no-lifes the game all day-every day. Now to be fair, I do think some dungeons like Dire Maul require a sense of knowledge, I mean if your gonna walk in unprepared not knowing how any pulls work then that is on the tank, its not like all tanks are these god-mode level of players, some of them suck at the game.


But then they won’t be able to cry on the forums about how superior they are to the newbs!


Yeah guys don’t play the game and learn how to do the dungeons as a tank, you should run them a few times as not a tank so you can see how to tank properly so you don’t inconvenience someone by learning how to play your class properly.

Learning to play your class in front of other people is very rude you should already know how to play.

That doesn’t make sense to me. Like I can go into an instance and heal as a paladin while watching someone tank. I won’t be able to play as a tank if I’m not tanking in an instance though.

While questing I can practice my rotation while killing mobs, but it won’t be the same as tanking an instance. As there are many more variables while playing with live players.

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I guess the sarcasm wasn’t thick enough, I was making fun of the OP.

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I stand corrected

There’s a YouTube video about this topic.

I handily disagree with the sentiment that you should watch tutorials before you attempt to tank/do raids.

It’s a game.
There’s nothing wrong with experiencing it without looking anything up.


This is why you have a guild, make friends with previous pugs, ect. Unless you want to sit in SW, gear checking and conducting interviews for BRD lava runs, theres no way to tell how experienced a person is until that first pull.

You can do what you want, leave, kick people, but sometimes you have to make due with what you can find. Id rather suffer with a new player rather than gamble for a more experienced one. I dont have the heart to kick them if they arent sabotaging the run.

And when youre in that postion, you can make it worse on yourself by not trying to show them a thing or two.

Then get a guild and make a group of people who are like-minded. When we get tired of pug life over on Retail, that’s what we do over there.

That’s what I do in Classic, as well. It’s sort of universal that if you don’t like playing WoW like a box of chocolates (not knowing what you’re going to get who you’re going to get), then make some friends.

I add everybody I run dungeons with while leveling if they seem like they know what’s up, especially tanks and healers. Making “friends” during the leveling process makes it a lot easier to find groups outside of your guild at cap.

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