You should *actually* add the world buff scroll for 15 Undermine Reals

Look, I understand why people like world buffs, even though our current base power is the same or better than era power with world buffs, but that’s besides the point.

I personally find it to be the most annoying thing to buy summons from Indonesians to get zipped around the world for world buffs, but ofc if I don’t, I don’t get a raid invite.

So, that scroll you added to the PTR? Yeah, add that thang to the live game, charge me 100g 15 Undermine Reals for a single use, and I’ll buy that crap every single time.

Edit: Commenters of this thread correctly pointed out that Real system is far better an avenue for the expense of the scroll.


Better yet, have the reals coins be the currency for them…

I don’t want to pay Gold for it. Make it like 15x Undermine Reals each scroll or something. It will keep dungeons alive, which will keep the game alive.


Make it more like 30-50 reals.

If they want to keep dungeons relevant for the rest of SOD, I don’t know if there is a better way to do it.


Nobody would buy WBs with reals if such a scroll cost that much.

Nah, 15x is fine just make them unique or on a 5 day CD or something so you don’t abuse it if you want.

Maybe having one at the cost of 15 appear on the vendor once per weekly reset, then have another one that can stack up to 2 or w/e number at the cost of 50 reals each. It would definitely give players a reason to keep running dungeons if you were able to get an item that would allow you to get all your wbuffs for a few wipes.

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Actually based answer. This would be perfect and far better than my gold suggestion.


Ideally, they add one unique scroll per wbuff. Each scroll costs 1 real.

That way, they can provide options for all the good darkmoon faire buffs. Also, you could buy 1 scroll each, boon them all, then buy a backup set in case you wipe in raid.

I have an even better idea, just make world buff OPEN WORLD ONLY

Its terrible game design these boons, worldbuff hunting etc, the name itself suggests its something to be used in openworld not hoarded and kept safe for raids.

Straight up remove them or make them persist through death and be an open world thing with bonuses to openworld activities instead

good, they shouldnt be so easy to aquire that they start heavily affecting the game outside raids.

for 15 reals id rather run around and get them. the amount of time it takes to get 15 reals is much higher then just getting them as is. 5 reals is about equal