You R Busy and Can't Use the Taxi Service Now

No I’m not. I can mount up, I can hearth, I can sit and eat, but I can’t use this fp.


This happens quite often. In some cases even logging off and back in doesn’t clear it. Happens for both flight points and dock masters. I have even had it happen with no addons and a clean directory.

On a side note, I’ve encountered more bugs in the last 3months, than in my previous years of playing since returning.


As Yodekay wrote, able to do anything BUT use the flight master.


And this is happening to me know. In Stormsong Valley at the Deadwash Flight Master, it will not let me use it and I get that message. I tried resetting the UI, completing existing he game, and it is still there. And this post was made back in February. Why is this issue not fixed yet? Did you guys run out of hotfix space on the flash drive?

Still happening as of 7/22/19


Logging in with a different character, then back to the original should clear the bug.


Thank you Serai, this solution worked for me.

I had the same problem where everything but the FP worked, tried reloading UI, Tried quitting and restarting the entire game, none of which worked. However, logging in as a different character, then switching back to my main solved this issue.

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“/reload ui” in game fixed the problem for me.


reloading ui worked for me, thank you!

As of 2020 this problem is 100% still happening and personally mine was fixed by logging out and using a Flight Master on another toon then logging back into my ault.

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Still happening in April 2020. Reload UI did not work. Relogging did not work.

Logging on to another character did work and cleared it.


Still happening… more bugs than what terminix sees in a day…

Bump. Experienced this just now.

Bump. also just experienced this.

Bump, been getting this error for ages.

I also received this error today, after logging in with another character, using flight master w/ them, then logging back to my problem character, it cleared it and all good now :+1:t5:

Happened to me
Reloading or exiting didnt work

this worked for me

Happened to me as well today. Reload didn’t work…

Still happening as of 7/18/2020