You people know SoD exists right?

Nice buzzwords. Still can’t read.

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Nice projection, tourist. We can enroll you in a reading course if you like.

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Got any more buzzwords or do you like being a broken record?


Seems you’re not very self aware. You are doing the exact same thing. But then again it’s what I’d expect with someone with your level of reading comprehension lol. Happy thanksgiving good luck with your reading classes lol.

I’m not the one who confuses slight tweaks with fullblown Retail.


Whatever you say bud. Your lack reading comprehension is preventing you from understanding the slippery slope #somechanges has become.

My lack of reading comprehension, you mean.

Because most people don’t care and that’s why every other class is played and plentiful

Only weirdos care about this man

I feel targeted.

Sod = season of dog sheet

Sod is basically retail. Giving pally damage and taunt isnt the same as the trssh they did to sod

Sod existing is not an argument against any changes to fresh, hopefully cyclical fresh, servers.

Sods been out a year and we were asking for fresh like 2 months into it. People dont want sod

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SoD is the culmination of the changes requested here.

Unfortunate for you, fresh isn’t classic+, but rather progressive servers to tbc, made to honor, and be faithful to, the classic gameplay and beyond, hence the anniversary release.

And yet SOD has more players than era servers lol. Speak for yourself if you don’t want SOD. Fresh hype will die in few weeks and people will go back to whatever version of wow they were playing. Enjoy playing your garbage trash classes and specs with auto attack that make mobile games look more challenging

Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it bad. I also hate the arguement that SoD is like retail because… have you played retail? those two games are nothing alike.

100% this. I find it kind of annoying because we literally have SoD for anyone who is wanting class balance and quality of life improvements

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It’s funny because I was considering playing SoD depending how much time I had after playing Fresh.

But with all the changes/crying decided to never touch it. Straight just to burn anyone that plays SoD/Retail.

Food for thought.

sod players are the most insufferable community youll ever play w. just skip that trash. i dont know what it is about sod, but literally every player is so bad for some reason

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Class balance? Scorpids, eotb “win” serpents, sunfire kitty, starfall, “priest stack” bgs, unkillable meta locks, SW: death, WoE shamans…

Like I’m glad they took the approach they did, but every phase has had numerous very broken specs/abilities. In conjunction with some overturned encounters it has resulted in some fairly strict meta adherence in both PvP and PvE.

Fun in its own way, but for the people asking for a classic experience with more engaging and refined specs with relative class parity, sod isn’t exactly it.

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well thats extremely hard to define isnt it?

sod players claim sod is the best version of classic

do you agree?

how many players have the same view of “the best classic”

I mean I agree it’s nebulous at best, and opinions seem to span a fairly wide spectrum of “optimal number of changes.”

I do think it’s quite clear that a large share of players want a classic plus experience though, even though the definition might be different for everyone. They’ve voiced the desire for years, and sod was very popular. Even with the broken specs, I’ve seen numerous people talk about how early phases were the most fun they’ve had in this game EVER. I would probably include myself in that category.

I know I can’t speak for everyone, and I’m not sure how you might get an accurate accounting of what “most” people want out of classic plus, but I think there are some general principles that are widely agreed upon—there are some pain points that would benefit from improvement (warrior leveling, paladin taunt, etc.) and there are some great specs/abilities throughout the years of WoW that would be fun to take through the classic world. I’m sure people with more experience in each class could further narrow down what the “best” version of each would look like.

Personally I love the idea of adding new raids, dungeons, questlines, etc. I think rotating/seasonal versions of raids and dungeons from various versions of wow scaled to 60 would be great. I like dual spec. I HATE dungeon finder. But whatever it ends up being, I very strongly feel like they need the balance to feel refined from the start. PTR is a necessity imo, and I would add some sort of reward (maybe a pet?) for contributing to data on the PTR.