These forums are beyond annoying lately. “No changes” “That’s not how it was in 2004 vanilla" “No QoL features because they lead to big changes. Just look at SoD where class balancing alone and not the major class altering runes, destroyed it.”
Yes actually, they did literally ALL OF THOSE THINGS. Its called 2019 Museum Servers. Your subscription covers it! Even more wild, you dont have to download anything else to try it!
Log out, change server, pick classic era, and boom! Full classic zones, classic raids, classic dungeons, classic everything! NO CHANGES! It is what you want! Wow would you look at that.
So why do yall continue to sit here complaining about any changes made to Anniversary servers. Just stop it and go away.
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The opposite is just as true
You know retail and sod servers exist right for those who want changes.
It’s also proven those whining and begging for changes will always keep pushing the goal post as nothing will be good enough.
Oh we got dual spec? We want summ stones now. What’s this Blizz gave us that to? Now we want retail instance summ, etc.
All you guys begging for changes are literally Californians fleeing California and voting the same California policies in different states that made you flee in the first place.
Chronoboon user spotted !

"oh no ! instant mail ! it’s ruin my vanilla experience ! "

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the Era servers do have changes - lots of changes - and it is exactly this that has lead to people asking for more and more changes.
No, it’s not the same. Era is not phased any more, it’s not fresh any more.
I dare Blizz give fresh, phased real #NoChanges servers!
This is horrible logic. You realize the same could be said about your side as well? Why ask for changes when SoD exists, when retail exists, etc.
It’s a hypocritical stance.
Oh honey, it’s already been said from the other side.
You people know SoD exists right? - WoW Classic / WoW Classic General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums
Does that mean it’s horrible logic too?
Why ask for No changes when Classic Era exists.
Yes? That should be obvious lol.
One post and it’s immediately crying about dual spec.
You trolls are not clever at all.
It would be pretty easy to point out that there are precisely 0 versions that support #NoChanges, so there really isn’t anywhere to go for those who would like that.
And if there is one thing that the forums and the versions of the game we have now suggest it is that the devs cater to the LOUDEST COMPLAINERS, so if you want something COMPLAIN AS LOUD AND AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN!

They cater to the majority.
No changes people are an extreme minority and they would ruin the game.
You know those 2019 servers aren’t museums, right? They recieve constant changes due to other version of the game that share a client? You know the Anniversary server shares these same changes?
Everyday I notice more and more SoD spell effects that have leaked over. Some spells have changed functionality. Some spells no longer work as intended. The current game client is nothing like the 1.13 that the 2019 devs put a lot of work into to get right, only to have whatever team is assigned to Classic slowly let it rot away.
5604 post and each of them with the same sustenance of a two week old Diet Coke.
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The more people ask for whack changes, the more people will say #nochanges.
Oh dual spec exists? Can we add BE paladins and Protoss shamans too? Mail is sent instantly for characters on the same account so it just makes sense.
Imagine going on an alt just to cry about the same thing.
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Name 1 spell that has SoD effects and functionality on era server.
Seal of Righteousness no longer counts as a second attack to proc effects.
Personal windfury hits are yellow attacks instead of white hits.
Almost a dozen spell animation and sound effects have been changed.
and Blizzard is completely silent. They mentioned how they broke Corruption’s animation during Wrath, but they never fixed it.
You made this post acting like you know what you’re talking about when it comes to Era and the no change discussion but you’re clueless.
It’s astounding that people make threads like this, and then when educated about the reality, instead of owning up to their ignorance like a humble grown up, they double down on it and refuse to adapt.
It happens a lot.
When changes have happened on Era, people have been on this forum right here trying to stop them, but yes Blizzard has for the most part been silent and left those changes in. “Go back to Era” isn’t a good argument, and on top of that, this is the Era forum too and changes that leak through on anniversary could always make it over there.
Im not complaining about changes to the anniversary servers. They could make them as retail as they would like as far as Im concerned. The classic phonies having a place to call their own is ideal if they don’t come back to Era.
If I had to complain though, its all the changes to Era that were not meant for Era and a couple that were. Looks like someone covered that already though.