You people don't actually want classic

WCB for a full raid :skull: :skull:

Just saying that’s nuts, good time lads.

I agree, i wasnt saying SOD is bad, im saying it wont have future support. Its a seasonal game mode. True classic plus isnt just a new seasonal server\full reset every year.

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What you want already exists. It’s called SoD.

These servers are Classic fresh, so if you don’t want that go play the Vanilla version full of those changes.

Everybody wins!

What you mean by " you people"?

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Quit stealing my material.

People jumping on you like you demanded #allthechanges when you just say you are fine with changes.

As I said in the thread about the guy asking for 1 free race change, the “no changes” people can’t help but be disingenuous. That’s their whole thing.

Letting DoTs scale better and lowering mana costs so Balance, Shadow, or Elemental can actually do things isn’t even close to SoD with Rogue, Shaman, Warlock tanks and Mage healers.

I do think the balance is somewhere in between the 2 versions of classic. SoD utility and classic power level. The amount of world buffs are over kill and have been a major downfall of SoD. Having more than one class that can tank a 5 man should be changed.

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I wish we had SoD lite. All vanilla content, but just a balancing pass on classes, and maybe some QoLs.

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That’s what these deranged trolls do.

They are incapable of common sense or a normal discussion.

There is no need for a discussion

This is a classic fresh

If you want to talk about a classic+, then ask for a forum to be adopted


I enjoy Classic but could it be improved? Yup.


Who cares?

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‘Improved’ Classic exists. It’s called Season of Discovery.


That is not an improvement.

To some players it is. Just go over to their forums. Some of them love it

Do you mean “not an improvement for me”?

Well that’s quite the dilemma isn’t it?

It’s almost like classic+ has a quite literally an ever expanding never ending list of “improvements” that will never, ever be met

It’s doomed from the start, and that’s why blizzard has cut their tongue even talking about it anymore. I doubt it’s even coming. It’s an auto fail by default as there are too many opinions on what it is. Throw in development cost and if it were my money I’d scrap the entire idea and just do seasons with changes people ask for while rolling fresh servers every couple years. As it seems to have quite a large playerbase atm.

Both camps satisfied.


Too bad we already got some changes and will likely get more. Also, if you actually think classic+ isn’t coming head your head outta the sand.

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A true ‘Classic+’ would be a tough task for any developer. For current Blizzard? Forget about it. That’s a recipe for disaster.


That’s the problem. Blizzard used to just make good games and then launch them. They never had to “listen to what the kummunity wants” for guidance. They knew what they were doing.

Now though, they design wow entirely around what ppl ask for. That’s why they can’t grow their playerbase. They just keep the same ones and monetize them.

That’s why they can’t make a classic+ that is going to be an absolutely astounding success. That’s why them doing fresh classic reruns and seasons with changes are imo te safest thing they can do.

Because classic inhabits playerbases from so many different camps it’s going to be impossible to make a game that satisfies them all.