You need to see this

Another wanna be TheActMan YT channel. Yea can tell from the thumbnail that this guy is trying to be him. I wont click. Cant fool me.

My point being that there is no reward for grinding out these systems for casuals because they will never do the content where they actually matter, and if they do and haven’t been spending time with the game, then they have to play catch-up until they can actually do it. This is content specifically designed for higher skill play. It’s not casual content.

If you’re casual, then doing these grinds are pointless. If you’re not, doing these grinds is a chore and alienates you from playing the game.

Saying “play the game at your own pace” is such an out-of-touch take because everything about this game is funneled towards doing endgame content like M+ and raids. It instills such a sense of FOMO for the average player.

I’m not even talking about cutting edge. Meta dominates this game to the degree that most people won’t accept you into a group for anything unless you’ve completed these grinds to an acceptable level.

Which is exactly what WoW is doing.

Shadowlands lost 40% of its playerbase two months after the game launched. Do you think there was a content draught then?

You are a Blizzard shill to the highest degree.

And I think you’re incapable of separating your feelings about the game from reality.

Am I repeatedly doing the same tasks over and over and over to reach a certain point?

Then it’s a grind.

You’re clueless and I refuse to argue with someone as incapable of critical thinking as yourself any further.

Have fun burying your head in the sand. I bet you’ll feel super justified about your opinion when this game gets booted to the wayside because it chased everyone away. Literal high-profile WoW content creators are leaving this game in droves, virtually all content creators speak poorly about the state of the game, subscriptions and player retainment are at all all time low.

But sure, it’s the “content draught” that’s the problem here.



Systems don’t make the game difficult. They make it obnoxious and annoying and needlessly gated. For everyone.

You missed the point of my posts in here.


You really don’t get it. It doesn’t matter if they never do the content “where is actually matters” they are doing it for their own sense of progression. I can upgrade my gear by myself without having to go in a raid. That is the definition of casual content. What does it matter what I use it for or if I need it or not? It’s something I can work on, on my own, on my own time.

Pointless to you.

More players do not raid and do not do M+ than players who do. Your idea of the average player is way off.

Good thing there are ways to play the game where you don’t have to worry about the meta and being accepted into the right group.

If WoW was only catering to the hardcore crowd, none of this extra stuff would exist and all progression would be tied to instanced content.


That is such a broad definition as to make the word almost meaningless. Like, you’ve just described almost any video game ever made. It’s difficult to take you seriously anymore.

Yes, some of you have been waiting for the game to die for 17 years now. I’m sure it’s just right around the corner.

I can only like what people on the internet tell me to like. If they stop liking something I have to stop liking it too. lolz


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Or let it, it might knock some sense into you.

Classic example of how systems on top of systems ruined the game, time sink for metrics, turning WOW into a business plan that no one wants. This current dev team needs to go and move Ion back to some other crappy task as he is not right man for lead or job.

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Nooooo but it’s the new way to design games! If we let players have fun, how will the game thrive?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!


Really looking forward to the day I can come back to comments like this and just laugh at people who thought WoW was incapable of dying.

Starcraft was once untouchable, too. Now look where it’s at.

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Oh, so you’re the type to only read the headline. Can’t say I’m surprised.

World of Warcraft player numbers fell back to normal levels as the excitement around November’s Shadowlands expansion subsided. From November to January, revenue fell by 61% and user numbers declined by 41% (these figures do not include China). This roughly matches the pattern seen for the past several expansions, though Shadowlands had a bigger launch. Blizzard does appear to have found a way to increase how often expansions are able to boost earnings. The publisher recently announced that it will be adding the 2007 Burning Crusade expansion into World of Warcraft: Classic this year. Alternating between releasing all-new and classic expansions could cause WoW revenue to spike annually for the near future, instead of every two years (the typical development time for the title’s expansions)

Thank you for linking that though because this paragraph confirms everything I’ve been saying this entire time.

Any game that saw a near 50% dip in player retainment would be cause for alarm. The purpose of live-service games is to keep people playing, smooth brain.

Not WoW, though, huh? Daddy Ion said it’s normal so I guess that makes it okay?


You’re so close to understanding.

So low sub numbers is normal now. Gotcha.

And you’re incapable of understanding that growth is important to a game like WoW. The trend it continues to go down is not good for the game.

Keep shrieking about “normal levels”, though.

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Normal sub numbers are normal.

There is no such thing as infinite growth. Numbers level off over time.

It’s crazy you guys are having such a difficult time grasping such a simple concept. Numbers spike when new content is released, drops and stabilizes in between content releases, and spikes again when more content is released. It’s been like this for years now and you guys are acting like it’s this immediate emergency. Making mountains out of molehills. “AlL tImE LoW sUbS, No StReAmErS, wOw Is DeAd.” You can’t even make a convincing argument this is a problem at all. That article you linked completely destroyed and contradicted everything you said.

Keep telling yourself that, shill. Go work for Blizzard while you’re at it since you’re doing half the job for them.


They’re the lowest they’ve ever been. Welcome to your new normal I guess.

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Thank you both for continuing to keep the game healthy and strong though your continued support.

Keep saying that when I don’t come back in 9.2…or 10.0

Funny how he thinks I’m supporting this game with my own money. I haven’t logged in in months. I came back because someone got me a subscription as a small Christmas gift. Don’t really plan on renewing my subscription after this runs out, though.


See you both in 9.2 and again in 10.0

This man really wants Blizzard to acknowledge his hard work for all the white knighting he’s done in this thread.