You need to see this

everyone can act as confused as they’d like but if we’re gonna be frank, actiblizzard is not stupid. they leveraged themselves into this position intentionally in the first place. the question is whether they’re milking the cow a little too hard. obviously they’re meeting some measurable level of success that they’ve deemed acceptable to continue shoving awful game systems and design down the throats of the general playerbase.

i mean - at this point - who is the general playerbase? people who have fallen victim to the behavioral engineers at Blizzard designing the game in such a way to compel addiction. why do they keep doing the same thing everyone seems to hate? everyone keeps buying the expansions and subscribing.

idek why i’m still subscribed lol i have a non-functioning PC and hardly actively play. I want to play again. It’s so prohibitive to do all the catch-up BS, that, even though Blizz has created catchup mechanics, it’s mind-boggling to me that characters I actively played during Shadowlands, and got R1 with, are less than half a patch later, not competitively viable at all. And the hours of grinding I’d have to do to get to that point. Having the addiction veil lifted even a little is so… freeing. I just think “nah” and log off. lmao. gj blizz.

so therefore; if a previously hopelessly addicted, still-connected-to-the-community, WoW-has-been-a-part-of-my-life-since-I-can-remember, passionate player can look at all that mess and just think “no”, why on earth would new people feel compelled in the slightest to try WoW PvP.

even back in Cataclysm i knew dudes who i’m still friends with who were like “Wow, PvPing for PvP in WoW is so dumb.” After they had invested the time to get geared. And that’s when gearing was “easy.” Somehow, WoW’s systems and game designs have progressively degraded in the intervening decade. I dont think it’s confined to just WoW though. I think, sadly, gaming has left the era where funding met passion, and we’re just left with funding. Big game developers across the board are pathetic and, instead of implementing good game design, implement predatory hamster wheels that ensnare consumers and encourage addictive behaviors. really difficult to justify playing this game, or most games, under any circumstance, in the industry’s current state. also wtf is up w/ the lazy and predatory (upon nostalgia) practice of just re-releasing older versions of games. imagine telling your childhood self that you’ll be playing the same game as you currently are, but worse. how did we get to this abomination of an industry?? probably because we keep throwing money at them.

but ayy lmao probably gonna play end of season anyway


This games biggest problem, is literally every single expansion, they negate practically ALL of the systems from the last expansion, and give us a whole new set, and more than before, of Systems to grind. It’s tiring AF having to relearn the game every expansion. and this expansion is the worst. it’s one thing if these systems stayed in game, but weren’t ALL required to progress our characters. It’s another putting in 15 different systems and forcing our main to grind every single one of them. I guess Blizzard is just tired of wows success and is trying to actively kill it by overloading the game with systems

I posted about almost the same exact thing in 2019. Friends and family wanted to play until they saw the BS they had to do. We are talking about die hard D&D players here so if it is too much for them, it is too much for any newbie.

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This video needs to be spread like wildfire. I wonder if any of the ambassadors have seen this or discussed it.

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believe it or not there are some people that are actually just addicted to blizzards mouse trap disguised as an rpg and get serotonin from minor power increases

blizzards entire design post wod has been predatory and feels aimed not at retention or bringing in new players but getting maximum hours out of the people they can abuse


Warlords was interesting because it was dungeons into raids, and battlegrounds into arena. Minimal chores, tedium, systems. It bombed, because most people don’t do any of that.

And you were instantly flagged for spam or trolling w/e

GD is a cesspool and thats saying a lot for this place


Yup it got flagged :rofl:

People can’t handle the truth!


Probably because it’s something perceived as low quality clickbait, like most Youtube videos’ posted there.

It bombed because there was no content lol

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Yeah, dungeons, raids, battlegrounds and arena are dumb.
What we need is world quests, maybe some power we could infinitely grind.

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I agree. This video really needs to gain traction over at Blizzard HQ.

I didn’t even know that I could just buy a token from a vendor to unlock ALL my conduits to ilvl 200. I mean, WTF. I had been working on those slowly. Same with renown levels. I didn’t know I could just buy a token that magically grants renown.

There’s too many things in this game that people need to do just to start doing things like PvP. Too many borrowed power systems. What was wrong with it being gear, ability, and skill based? Want more power? Do more of your preferred content. Like to PvP? PvP and buy your gear. Like to PvE? Do that! Get those drops from bosses and valor. Wanna have a Wintergraspy type of raid where players of both can crossover and get rewarded too? Cool.

But this idea that players have to run around and do a bunch of nonsense in parallel with the actually enjoyable content they prefer? It’s excessive.

Edit: At this point I think for new and returning players Blizzard should just have an ingame mail that outlines some basic things players can do to help get started. It’s about the least they could do to help ease the transition to a new expansion.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having some world quests (dailies), etc, etc. It just doesn’t need to have a lot of borrowed power systems tied into it. WoD failed because it didn’t have much outside of high end raiding and arena. Grinding apexis all day wasn’t satisfying, and too much was tied into the garrison system. (Garrisons weren’t a bad idea, but goodness - the devs clearly meant for them to be THE reason players logged in for WoD.)

They had a lot of good ideas in WoD, but sadly it felt like it was rushed out the door. Things like Twitter integration and the Selfie cam patch being heralded as (biggest patch ever) really didn’t help.

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Correlation doesn’t equal causation. The player in the video probably just put him on ignore after spam typing him what he needs to do. Let him play how he wants. One player isn’t indicative of all new players.

All you have to do is go to this characters page to see that he hasn’t played for quite some time.

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Its silly to think that Bliz doesn’t know that this is the issue. They don’t design this game for gamers, they design it for WOW players. They especially don’t design it for competitive PVP; the e-sport aspects of the game is purely marketing (though it can be argued that this is true for any company-run e-sport). The current gameplay loop generates some level of stable, guaranteed income and unless that’s threatened then we aren’t going to see a change. Why should it change though? Why shouldn’t the game require the player participate in everything the devs built? As much as we enjoy it, there’s no way wow is going to be a serious competitive pvp game as long as there are triple-A free to play games that anyone can download right now and play ranked with their friends or by themselves. The only way we’re going to see any changes is if we follow Holydickens’ lead.

blizz needs to focus on accessibility to new players first and foremost because that naturally makes things accessible to alts too. focusing on just alts doesn’t fix the dwindling playerbase.

i would say to anyone to give wow a fair shot in any other expansion, but this one. even essences were more manageable than this crap.

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Remember taking the campfire port from Isle of Time to Gorgrond? A garrison can blow me.

Holydickens for president 2024.

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