You must use Ventrilo

Blizzard was one of the few companies that support mac, Yes.

No wonder. LOL
Also…Don’t forget…

You can’t use Youtube or anything else that was not available in 2004 to help you including your Phone. Get a Land Line! :slight_smile:

I think the real question is.

People who aren’t hipsters used mac?

You sound like an old fart.

Do you accept Xfire instead?? It records my gaming hours…

I look like one too (although I have been told I look younger than my 46 yrs age that my ID says I am). And my farts can clear rooms … one advantage of age.

YouTube was launched in 2005… Before WoW Europe.

Nice quick Edit you made there. LOL

Shhh. It was there… alright. :stuck_out_tongue: Just because we weren’t posting PVP videos till 2006 doesn’t mean YouTube is off the table.


Fair enough :slight_smile:

use ISQ…

Hipsters didnt exist yet back during vanilla XD

I prefer ICQ

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Aye join my server!

Ventrilo Server
PORT: 3785
PW: (There is no pw)

I would have said a decade ago.

As much as I hate to admit it over Ventrilo, Discord is just so much better to use.

Hmm… I have doubts about OP… anyone from that time will call it Vent and not the whole name Ventrilo…

That being said, I’m on board with Vent.

Eh, I’m going to require no voice chat at all because nearly no one used voice chat for the first year of the game. It really wasn’t until the game was out for a few years that voice chat really kicked in.

As I mentioned above, Ventrilo has custom multi-channel keybinds. Does Discord do that?

Basically, I had the Keypad+ key as my general PTT button, but if I pressed the Keypad- above it, it would transmit to the Officer chat where I had a shadow, instead.

Can Discord manage listening and transmitting in two Voice channels?

Eh, gotta go for that ultra oldschool feel. You have to handicap yourself that much further.

You’re one of those people who wants Classic to be harder than it ever was, aren’t you :stuck_out_tongue:

Ventrilo was a lot of fun, it could do so many things beyond our time back when we used it religiously. However, just like how simple Discord is to use today, a vast majority of users didn’t do the things you described with Ventrilo. It was click to join a server after entering credentials, click to join a channel, and push to talk.

As cringe as this would sound, I used Ventrilo to DJ my Trance mixes I’d come up with and advertise it over Trade chat. I’ll say it again; I loved tinkering with Ventrilo servers and the things it can do. I really appreciate that little piece of software, but in today’s standards; the features on Discord heavily outweighs Ventrilo’s.