You know you're evil when

You log in to your alliance toon, realize there’s no zombies in Boralus, so you get infected, hearth to Boralus, become a zombie, blow up and infect those AFK’ing around, and wha-la, Boralus has zombies <3 enjoy my friends!

Back to the Horde side I go :smiley: :smiley:


Reminds me of the Blood Plague incident from years ago.

Horde Hunter goes into the Raid (I forget which one it is) and one of the bosses drops Blood Plague on his pet. Player immediately dismisses the pet and finishes the raid.

Heads to Org and while there he get out his Blood Plague infected pet and it starts spreading through out the entire city killing everyone in it. He made a video of it and the CDC used that video to see how a pandemic spreads, giving them strategies to combat pandemics in RL.

That was Evil that actually helps save lives today.

Blizzard fixed Blood Plague so that could never happen again.


And this is why people need to defend the cities instead of coming to the forums to complain they’re flagged.


<-- wasn’t flagged for PvP, but a zombie blowing up can get you anyway.

But the people in Boralus who weren’t AFK made short work of the 5-6 zombies I created. Only gets out of hand and becomes an issue if people just ignore it. You know…like IRL issues :wink:

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it was the ZG raid
the what the cdc saw also is there are people who want to help and others on spreading it.

and they said it would be chaos for a few day till help arrives.

I wasn’t talking about you, I was talking about the general freak outs people keep having on this forum, instead of defending against zombie outbreaks. That’s all.

Ahhh gotcha :slight_smile: yeah it’s funny how fast it can get under control if they’d just defend, as you mentioned, instead of flying here to cause a ruckus over nothing.

Like I said, I logged back over in 10 minutes to see what was going on and there was one lonely zombie going around trying to get people. I dispatched him and that was it

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When you’re just hanging out at Teldrassil like


Yep and we all know who ignored it and said it was a hoax…right?

Look what we have now.

Welp, if you can’t beat 'em…
Sits down with and shares smores with multiple random Nelf corpse behind us

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I know I’m evil when I kill a Vulpera and quickly use the Alliance firework so the body can burn and use the gin-ji knife set.


I like your method of madness. :crossed_swords:

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Are you in warmode?

/10 char

ok…ty. I’m going to try more tomorrow and see what I’m doing wrong

Are you having troubles turning into a Zombie, or infecting others?

Yep. You are evil.

Shame on you.


How do you get infected? I keep hearing you need to find a plagued crate of grain but I’ve been flying around Stormwind for 40 minutes and havent seen any.

I have no shame for anyone even for my life.