You know why you are wrong

Cuz you aint playing Horde in retail or classic. dead dam wrong.

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I am, though.

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i better break the news to the Horde characters i play. They won’t take it well.

owo power what ally has nuthin

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aint no blue allowed here

Oh? Well get back to me when you don’t have a leader that turns into a despot, abandons their people, or gets killed off by some nameless mook.


I don’t care about factions I’m just here for gnomes

who are the worgen but dogs afk all the time

I mean, right now we have a council of Alliance sympathizers. Does that count?

Yes! Call them out. They deserve it :clap:

yes we do need to eat still thx

I am a troll. Can’t be any further red blooded than what I already am.

You’re just jealous 'cause we have the better Garrisons :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: