You know the devs have you where they want you

When they have convinced you gear is the problem

Gear is only part of the problem. burst meta and simplifying the game is the other


Please elaborate.


For you I am going to assume addons hold your hand


I see you edited your post after I asked you for an elaboration. You tried.

Your original post is still not very informational with its three whole sentences with only one using punctuation. You failed to provide any solution to the problems you so vaguely described.

Those in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

why are you in here acting snobbish when you do what you’re accusing him of in 90% of threads lol

Wait, they want me to be playing The Division 2?!? Well damn, they really are the evil master minds behind the Illuminate!

I appreciate that he tried to add elaboration. It just wasn’t very good.

what is there to elaborate on? The game rotations are extremely linear.

The problem is the game development philosophy, and the people who have made changes that they knew players would hate and quit over.


I feel its the whole “you think you do but you don’t” mindset they use to justify the decisions they make even when the community tells them no.

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what are they making their decisions on then? they have regressed so much in pvp. I cannot attest to pve. I do know addons are a problem first and foremost because it handcuffs the dev team

This is a pvp post? M+ gearing is the best it’s ever been tbh. The only thing I would change is 285 in the vault for M+25 or higher.

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I couldn’t say much on add-ons. Although I do know they tend to develop alot of the encounters around the bases of the players having them.

Oh it is? I thought this was an in general post. Didn’t realize it was about pvp.

I’m not sure. They mentioned the burst meta which isn’t M+ right now so I’m assuming it’s either raid or pvp.

Ah that would make sense.

I have not done M+ since season 2. PvE gets redundant. I think they have pushed pve to the limit. How much of that is being undermined by meta and addons, I am not sure. PvP is completely shot right now. Gearing, addons, meta, burst. Everything about it is awful

Thank you for clarifying it is about pvp, that makes more sense. I like that targetable gear in pvp is back but I’m not a fan of the upgrade system personally. I don’t know much about the pvp meta this season but overall I agree about the burst being unpleasant when compounded with gear differences.

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They are making their decisions on their gut feelings, wishful thinking, and a passion for getting even with a playerbase that refuses to accept them as the misunderstood geniuses they believe they are.