You know Blizzard has worn you down

…when you hardly even notice the spam of old Dragonflight titles that appear every time you log onto a character.

Perhaps that’s what they want, that we just learn to live with the bugs.



Yea I stop reading the chat after addons started spamming my chat back in dragonflight.

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Omg i the spam is gone? I got so used to it I forgot about it.

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Fuzzbutt just says any ole thing. He never makes sense anymore.


Oh… I notice.


Along with the “you can focus a quest to track!!” over and over and over and over…


How come it spam every titles when I mount up?

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these little bugs keep happening. it’s like it’s above them. impossible to fix by anyone at blizzard. not good optics lol


That’s exactly my thought when I see people claiming that the game is “literally bug-free” for them or they mock the poor quality of the game with a “aRe tHoSe bUgs iN tHe rOoM wiTh uS!?”. They just don’t see it anymore and when you point out embarassing stuff like the title/achievement spam that’s been going on for months at this point, you get a “But’s no big deal, people just love to complain hurrdurr”.


because they are shills that will defend everything Blizz does (or doesn’t do) to their last breath.


Every time I log in

You have earned the title: Smelly Veruu.

I do believe I’m being mocked.

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It really is crazy how many bugs have just been accepted this xpac. It would be one thing if they were all inconsequential like the titles spam, but theres a lot of game play altering bugs.

Dawnbreaker running all season with people still getting thrown through the ships, or the last boss bugging like 25% of the time.


Isn’t that how dystopia starts? I can’t remember.

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I can’t even function while it’s going on.
I’ve been calling in every day to work until they get it fixed.

How does blizzard expect us to live in these conditions?


And you do?

Sorry the fuzzy one makes way more sense than what you have in posts but you carry on with that baggage.

Try setting one of those titles as your active title, you’ll see when you logon the next time it is no longer your active title. It’s some bug they refuse to fix for some reason.

The Call of Allies quest that automatically makes me accept it after I abandon it. Pretty sure it’s been in my quest log since Shadowlands. lol

I don’t even know how I earn some of these titles to begin with. Like ‘Smelly’, how did you earn the title of ‘Smelly’. I bathe, sometimes.

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Many people just can’t bear the thought that there might be something seriously wrong with how development is handled at Blizz and like to pretend that the quality has always been this crappy. Often the people pointing out and complaining about the bugs get attacked and treated like they’re the problem.
Today we’re not even just at the point where new content is bugged in several ways and pre-patches and launches break things for good (like the guild-bank, warbank and reputation stuff a while ago). Even old content is just a mess, look at the current state of Shadowlands content. It feels like half of it is broken.

I mean I don’t think it’s wildly out of scale for Blizzard. 11.0.5 and onward have definitely had some pretty bad QA issues in a way that we haven’t seen before. But this game has had some pretty insane bugs over the years.